From Mike Peters, one of our Mindset Mastery Honors Graduates and Genius Bootcamp Participants. Mike writes:
Super LONG and Super COOL Laws of Thought Story and Tender Mercies…
First Some Back Story…
Prior to the taking and graduating with honors from Leslie’s Mindset Mastery course, I had been living in a scarcity & doubting mindset for well over 20 years. For the past year or two I’ve been focused on implementing all that I had been learning in the Mindset Mastery course to change the trajectory of my mediocre life. Among many other tools I’ve been using to support my mindset shift into abundance is a “Day Dreaming” Word Document that I look over every day to “visualize and feel” certain goals into my reality (kind of like a vision board on steroids). I keep things in this document that I want to attract within a year’s period of time and I started this at the beginning of 2017, so it contains all the goals and dreams I want to attract into my life this year. Anyway, a few of the items that made it into my “Day Dreaming” document for this year are :
- A new fence because our East fence is about to fall over, and our South fence has enough slats missing now that our neighbor’s dog can come over and poop in our yard whenever it feels like it.
- A new roof because we’ve sustained enough wind and hail damage over the years to warrant the use of several buckets in our attic to catch the main leaks.
- Fix a hole in the brickwork on our house to the side of our garage door (a car rolled into it a couple of years ago leaving a moderate sized eyesore).
Each of these items are towards the end of the list of items in my “Day Dreaming” document for the year because I figured that the roof would cost over $5,000; and the fence & brickwork… well, I had no idea how much those would cost, but I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to pull any of these off until after attracting substantial increases in our business income throughout the year.
Mid April…
After mowing the lawn and seeing our back yard fence for the first time in a month or two, and realizing once again, just how bad our fence had deteriorated; A Thought crossed my mind to not let doubt continue to stand in my way from at least finding out how much it would cost to fix the fence… even though I was 99% sure we couldn’t act on it for a while because our income hadn’t improved yet this year. So I made a Facebook post to a community Facebook Group asking if anyone out there had recommendations for a reliable and reasonably priced fence repair person or company.
Within a week…
We had a guy come out and give us an estimate of about $2,000 for the two sections of fence we would need to replace.
Not more than an hour later our neighbor on the South of our house (who we’ve actually never spoken to before), knocked at our door to tell us she has someone coming over to repair the portion of fence we share so we could give him access to our back yard if he needed to come back there. I asked her how much he was charging & she told me it would cost only $50-$100 to do it. I told her he could definitely have access to our back yard, and that we’d split the cost. The Lord gives good gifts, and I was thinking that having the worst of it repaired for $25-$50 (our half of the cost) would get us by until later in the year when we could afford to put a brand new fence up… but that’s not the end of the story…
A few days later…
Even though I was thinking that I’d wait on fixing the East section of our fence; right after finishing my morning exercise (when I was all sweaty and gross), I had a recurring thought to go talk to our neighbors on the east of us right then about my intention to fix the portion of our fence that we share. I went right away, and in doing so I learned that THEY were already making plans to fix it! We talked about sharing the cost, but I didn’t know how I could even come up with half right now. As we got talking my neighbor told me how their insurance claim worked when their house was damaged in the storms the previous month. I learned that their deductible was not required to be paid up front, but was deducted from the check the insurance company sent the them… and then they hired someone to do the work cheaper than what the insurance company had paid so they had money left over for other things. Dang! I had thought all of these years (without looking into it of course) that we’d have to come up with $1,000 deductible out of pocket, so I’ve never even given a second thought into filing an insurance claim to have our roof fixed. With this new found knowledge of how home owners insurance claims work… I immediately went home & filed a claim with our insurance company. Upon doing so, I discovered that our deductible is not $1,000… it’s only $500 (even better!).
One week later…
The insurance inspector came to our home to assess the damage. When he finished his work he said he has enough evidence to submit a recommendation for us to receive a new roof, and to replace the East fence. He said they would ALSO pay for the water damage repairs in our kids bathroom (which I had forgotten about until he asked me if there was any water damage inside the house)!!! Can you say TENDER MERCIES? Holy cow we are being so blessed!
As I was sharing this tender mercy with my daughter later that afternoon we got talking about feeling genuine gratitude for things we want to be blessed with… and feeling the actual feelings as if a goal had already been accomplished. I described to my daughter how challenging it’s been for me over the years to FEEL the feelings and gratitude ahead of time. I found myself telling her of one time that I actually felt some pre-created (is that a word?) gratitude. As I began describing the first time I ever really felt real genuine feelings of joy and gratitude for something as if it had already happened, the realization struck me forcibly that the scenario I was describing to my daughter was at the beginning of April and I was picturing and feeling joy and gratitude for our fixed fence and new roof! Wow!!! Heavenly Father gives REALLY good gifts when we follow the correct principles upon which those gifts (aka blessings) are predicated!!
I met with the project manager of the remodeling company that will be replacing our roof & repairing our bathroom from water damage. He reviewed all the insurance paperwork and then proceeded to discuss what he could offer…
- There is a coupon for $500 that will satisfy the deductible!
- He OFFERED to give us a $250 cash back credit if we allowed him to put a sign in our yard as advertising!
- He pointed out several items that really don’t need to be fixed by a professional that we could do ourselves & keep the money for doing so.
All in all, we will receive over $1,500 back to put towards:
- Our back fence repairs… that will only cost us $600 because: We are splitting the cost with our neighbor who we discovered is a Veteran and can get a VA discount on the fence materials at Lowe’s or Home Depot… AND we got the labor cost cut way down too by getting other bids – HOW COOL IS THAT?!!!),
- The brick repairs next to our garage door (that we discovered will only cost about $200
So basically, we are having over $10,000 worth of home repairs completed within the next two weeks… that we don’t have to pay for, and in fact we’ll be RECEIVING about $600 above and beyond all repairs that will help our cash flow!!!
To wrap up, I just want to point out that each of these tender mercies were a SINGLE IDEA AWAY all this time! All I really needed to do was to doubt not, but to be believing… having faith merely the size of a grain of mustard seed so that I could receive them!
Thank you so much Leslie for all of your AWESOME training materials, programs, and resources! ~ Mike Peters
Thanks, Mike, for taking the time to share such an awesome story!
Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, THAT’S how it’s done. 😉 To get started transforming your own life, get going with the same resources that Mike used:
- Read Jackrabbit Factor (free!)
- Read the sequel Portal to Genius (free!)
- Attend Genius Bootcamp June 22-24
- Complete the 12-week Mindset Mastery Program (online option now available for 1/4 the cost!)
Not ready to jump in full throttle? No problem. Get your feet wet today with the basic Mindset Fundamentals Ecourse (includes both books listed above)
- Overcoming Deep-Seated Beliefs - February 10, 2025
- Possible to stop relying on credit? - January 31, 2025
- Update on Flip Chicks Founder - January 18, 2025
One Response
I LOVE this story!!! I think it’s natural to put these principles to work on BIG DREAMS, but now I’m going to start using them toward the little things that need to happen in my world. Thank you for sharing Mike!