You Get What You Give

By Kristi Steidley

Something I often say to my husband and kids is, “you get what you give.” Just a few days ago we bought a dog. My husband and I had been looking for a puppy, but we hadn’t found the one we wanted. My daughter suggested we look again (since it had been a few days) and there he was. We immediately fell in love with him. He is meant to be in our family. We drove to the house and I handed them cash for our new four-legged family member, which the previous owners had named Cash. I smiled as we drove away and told my kids we gave cash and got Cash. We all agree the Cash we got is more valuable than the cash we gave.

Teaching is a great example of cause and effect. The best way to learn something is to teach it. I experienced this when I was a Young Woman leader. I loved being with the young women, but I was intimated by them. I would get so nervous to teach them. It was very uncomfortable for me to get in front of them and teach. I didn’t like being front and center. I learned to shift my focus from myself and how nervous I felt or worrying if I was going to look like a fool saying the wrong thing, to how much I loved these incredible women. I knew they each had value in God’s eyes. I wanted them to know that for themselves. 

I prayed for help to be an instrument in God’s hands to help these women see and feel how much He loved them. I put a lot of thought and prayer into my lessons. I began preparing by feeling the love Heavenly Father had for each one of them. Although I would still get nervous, I was able to teach with love. I overcame some of my own fears and discomforts to bless the lives of these young women. 

I not only gained a better understanding and deeper appreciation of the gospel, I felt immense love Heavenly Father has for me. I was blessed to be in the presence of spiritual giants. I received positive feedback from the young woman and leaders, but I knew it was God. Each time I prepared my lessons with the intention of strengthening the young woman, I was given additional strength for myself. 


For more on this topic, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters FREE.

Kristi Steidley
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