Here’s a question I received from a student at a State University. He writes:
I’ve absolutely loved the Jackrabbit Factor and it’s been of great help. In fact. I’m hoping that when summer is over, I can purchase the program that you have to offer, so that I can fully comprehend the law of attraction and subconsciously believe in success for myself and my future family. I’m curious to know. As of now, I’m working door to door sales and it’s been a tough ordeal because of many things. …I’ve put to paper how much I want to make at the end of summer and try my best to feel it as if I have it. However, when it comes to my numbers, realistically it doesn’t look like it’ll come to that. I try to be optimistic and believe that I could do it through the summer. I need to make some money so that I can get out of debt that’s been draining my life for the past couple years and so that I can invest in myself with education, financial stability, and create other opportunities.
Am I missing the big picture here?
I understand that I’m pretty new to this but I full heartedly believe that it’s a faith that can be developed and will help me with my future success. I hope to hear from you on this. However I do understand that you’re a busy lady and that you have responsibilities. I just really want to be successful in my life and I don’t think there’s someone more understanding than you when it comes to living paycheck to paycheck and striving for success so that you can provide a better life for your family. Thank you Leslie!
Here’s my reply:
I have a quick minute and would encourage you to focus less on the money goal and more on what the end result of having it would be. (Many times we set and achieved money goals but didn’t account for unforeseen expenses that came up, so the end result didn’t look any different than where we started).
Instead, think about what your life is going to look like when you have met all your obligations and can now begin planning for happier experiences. What are those happier experiences? Picture and feel those. And then trust that every time you see and feel that, the world around you shifts a little bit and the customers who want what you have are being prepared to receive you. It’s also important that you think right about the sales calls that don’t go well. For a guide to that read Hidden Treasures (free download) at – particularly the chapters on Perpetual Transmutation and the Laws of Polarity and Rhythm.
Bottom line, if you believe it’s possible to reach your summer sales goals, then your belief can actually be the reason it happens. These tips will help you build that belief. And you don’t have to have giant firm immovable belief, you only have to have a tiny bit of belief but with zero doubt. You can do it! 🙂 Leslie
He responded:
Thank you so much for the reply. That was really thoughtful in what you had to say and I’ll take it to heart. I can seriously feel the feelings that Richard had when he was learning about the importance of belief and how he wants to soak it all up for his benefit and the help benefit the lives of others. I hope your day goes well … I …value your product which is why I hope to get it sometime soon. Thanks again…
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