The following comes from Sherrie, one of our Mindset Mastery students, who wrote:
Hello Leslie, I have so many stories as a result of using the laws and by being obedient to the commandments and honoring my covenants. I raised my children as a single mom with no child support or emotional support from their dad — kids were 5,6 and 6 months. They are now 33, 32 and 25.
I bought your Mindset Mastery program after returning from my mission four years ago. But I have known about you and your books for years before that. I am writing a book for my kids about all the miracle and blessings we have received as I raised them as a single mom. I came upon this one today and just want to share it with you.
A Concert
This is about Sherrie and her daughter, and how the universal laws helped them understand more about the principle “Ask and ye shall receive”. Read the following and keep in mind… what are the odds of this happening without their application of the principles?
She writes:
My daughter, Christy absolutely loves and adores Josh Groban. She has purchased many of his CD’s. Josh was coming to Utah and would be performing at the Delta Center, November 11, 2013. November is her birth month. All she wanted for her birthday was to go to his concert – even if she was only given one ticket – she would go alone.
One evening I wrote down my statement … and wrote it as if I already had the tickets in my hand. Something like this, “I am so happy that I have two tickets to Josh Groban and I can’t wait to surprise Christy with them.” I never lost that statement and held it close to my heart.
Some way, I determined we would go to that concert.
I had only recently come to learn and start to understand some important concepts about the laws of the universe – about asking and receiving that which we desire. If I had this knowledge before, I might have been able to provide more opportunities for my children – like: camps for hockey to help my sons further their skill, or better employment, buying a home. I still had much to learn about asking in faith and believing that I would receive. I tried this concept with the concert.
As the concert approached, Christy wasn’t giving up – but we still didn’t have tickets. She started looking online for tickets that were for sale. I kept the statement in my heart and soul, the one I had written as if we already had tickets and believed that we would have them in our hands before the evening of the concert. I knew that somehow, some way we would go to that concert.
A few days before the concert, KSL radio was giving away tickets to the Josh Groban concert. The winners would be the 10th caller. Someone has to win – right? I told Christy that we would try every time we could.
Two days before the concert I picked Christy up from school. I told her that we would both have our phones ready when they announced the next chance to win tickets to this concert. The time came and we were ready. We heard the announcement, but neither one of us got the phone numbers in our memory and was too late in trying. We lost that opportunity.
I told Christy not to worry, we would another chance the next morning. After that failure Christy did something out of her character. She got on the home computer, and send a personal message to KSL on Facebook. She typed something disgruntled like, “I wanted to win tickets a half hour ago for the Josh Groban concert for my birthday. Because of the static with the radio station, I didn’t catch the phone number and was too late to be the winner.”
I had no idea she did this and the radio personnel probably thought she was a brat. Regardless, she received a message back from KSL giving her their phone number and told her to call them. They were sorry about her mishap, but invited her to come to their studio and get a birthday gift out of their grab box. She immediately called them and thanked them for the offer but wanted tickets not something from their box.
The audacity! I was in shock with this girl.
The next morning as I was driving her to school, her phone rang, she answered it and started screaming and said, “What! Are you kidding – Thank you, oh, thank you so much!” When she turned off her phone, she could hardly tell me the news. Then she said, “Mom, KSL just gave me two tickets to the Josh Groban Concert for my birthday! We are supposed to go to the studio after school today and pick them up!”
The concert was the next evening. I couldn’t believe it. We were both in shock. Seriously, this was a miracle. I’m pretty sure that Christy didn’t focus on school at all that day. I picked her up after school and we drove to KSL studio. Sure enough, they handed her two tickets to the concert and sang Happy Birthday to her. It was incredible. We were so excited as we thanked them. We went to the car and expressed our thanks to the Lord for this incredible blessing and miracle.
But it doesn’t end there.
We rode to the concert with my sister and her husband. They had bought their tickets the first day of the sale and bought tickets on the floor ($250). They bragged all the way that they would have amazing tickets. Our tickets were way at the top of the arena, but we didn’t care, at least we were going.
We entered the Delta Center and proceeded up the escalator to find the portal entrance and then to find our seats. Before we got to the portal, an usher stopped about 10 of us and told us that if we went with him, he could give us better seats. Really, for sure we would go with him. So, we did, smiling in disbelief.
We went back down the escalator and onto the floor where the expensive seats are. Christy and I was astounded and so excited. He took us to the back and gave us seats. We sat down and looked at each other – is this real? We were on the floor for the concert, and we didn’t have to pay $250 like my sister did!
A few minutes later another usher came up to us and said “Come with me!”, “I have better seats for you two!” We followed him to two seats – eight rows back from center stage. They were incredible seats. We were so close to Josh during the concert. We were so excited. I couldn’t believe it. We were there, just as I had written on my statement. Everyone around us knew that it was Christy’s birthday. I have never seen her so excited and so grateful. She floated on air that night, she jumped up and danced with everyone else during the songs. It is about the most amazing miracle and blessing I’ve even experienced.
The Lord gave us a gift, we asked, and we believed in the laws of the universe, without even fully understanding them. I visualized it before it happened and wrote my request down on paper. Remember: “Christy and I are going to the Josh Groban Concert – and we are so excited”. THANK YOU – KSL Radio!
A mother’s prayer, a mother’s vision. This was an act of believing – a request for my daughter and a girl’s night out. THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!
I am now fully engaged in this Mindset Mastery program now and working hard to complete it. Just last month I needed new car. I visualized what I wanted, the model and color and I wanted to pay cash for it. Well I now have that car: the model, the color and I paid cash. It’s amazing.
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