(Quick Start at Any Level)
Hi, welcome to “Wealth Principles and Yard Sales”. In this article you’ll find a number of tips that, in frank honesty, only work if you do them. It is my hope that this does not become one of those “shelf help” ideas, but a powerful tool to put you on a sure course to where you really want to go.
Be sure to take note of my recommendations at the end. This is a journey – a process – and I hope to provide you with everything you need along the way to help your family members reach their highest potential. This means that whether or not I am the one who ultimately provides the resources you’ll need along the way, I hope to be the bridge to take you to the next step.
Ready to get started? Here we go:
The Laws of Success
To introduce you to the “laws” or “principles” of success, you’ll want to read “Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters”. This article takes a deeper look at one of the last concepts discussed in the book, the Vacuum Law of Prosperity, which states that nature abhors a vacuum, so it’s important to make space for what you seek. This means letting go of things that are not part of the vision you have for your life.
Is applying the Vacuum Law an act of faith? Oh, yes it is. After all, what if the way doesn’t present itself for the replacement carpet or new couch you need? This is when you practice believing anyway. Trust the laws and do your part. Your part is to believe and look for the way. Will your faith be strengthened when you practice having some? Most definitely. Like a muscle your faith is strengthened by exercising it. Our carpet experience gave us the courage to have faith in bigger dreams, which one by one, continue to come true. I am never surprised when they do, but always amazed.
We live in daily gratitude for the God-given blessings of abundance: the things that money can buy and the things that money can’t buy. Above all, these principles have brought peace, and how can anyone put a price on peace? Live by the laws and you will live in peace.
Wealth Principles and Yard Sales
Did you know that wealthy people often have a different mindset about yard sales than the average person, and that if you adopt the same attitude, it could put you on a path toward greater wealth? (I’m talking about real wealth, both the monetary kind AND non-monetary kind.)
Whether or not you believe in God, I think it is agreeable that there is One Source from which all things proceed. Scientists start with the fundamental principle that ‘Energy Is’, and that all things are simply a manifestation of the same energy. Theologians begin with the fundamental principle that ‘God just IS.’ Whichever way you want to call it, the key point here is that we have hidden untapped resources within us, that the Universe is prepared to provide us with everything we need in order to develop to our fullest potential. God is ready and willing to send you the help you want so desperately, but this is a lawful Universe, and before all good things can flow into your life, YOU must operate in a lawful way. You must have a mindset which is in harmony with the fundamental (and DEPENDABLE) principles upon which prosperity is based. If you feel that you are not prospering the way you would like, it may be because you have lived in violation of certain principles, of which you have not been aware. That’s good news, because that means that all you may lack is an understanding of the laws of prosperity.
I’d like to give you a brief example. See if the following idea makes sense to you, and if it doesn’t seem like a very simple but powerful idea, one which would be very easy to follow:
Consider this:
All things are created with a specific purpose in mind. That old chair in your garage under the sawdust from your miter box was created for a purpose. If it is not filling the purpose for which it was created, you should let it go. Let it be somewhere where it can fill the purpose of its creation. The jeans from 1987 need to go. They were created to be worn, and somewhere in this world is someone who will use and appreciate them right now. Besides, you don’t feel good in them anyway, and they were created to be appreciated.
You’ll feel better in clothes that fit you as you are, and which will put you in the right mindset to make more effective progress on your health goals. I’d rather have a nearly empty closet of clothes that fit me well, than a closet full of things that make me feel horrible. Nature, or God, will help me fill that vacuum.
When you let that chair go, you are making room for something better to come into your life… you have created a vacuum, and nature always fills a vacuum. You are doing something that wealthy people do. If you sell it for pennies on the dollar at a yard sale, you have your reward. Clean it up, GIVE it away, and you open yourself up to receive MULTIPLE times its value. Test it out. Feel good about operating on principle. Believe that better is coming, because by LAW, it must. Remember: Nature Abhors a Vacuum!
So, make a list of at least 10 things around the house or in your garage or yard that have just been sitting there, serving no purpose. Think of things you have kept “just in case” you’ll ever need it. If you haven’t used it in the last year, write it down. If you have the guts, write it down if you haven’t used it in the last 6 months.
Now write down at least one thing you desire that you presently do not have… perhaps something that you don’t feel like you can afford.
Now, my challenge to you is to take those items on your first list, and give them away. Let them go! Create a vacuum! Make room for the things you really want, and let those things that are NOT serving the purpose for which they were created, serve someone else. Then, in time, watch the Universe come through for you. Set a date by which you will have those things out of your life, blessing someone else’s life.
Now DO it! Remember, nature abhors a vacuum and will not allow a person to go long without filling that vacuum. Have something specific in mind that YOU want, too, because without a commitment to a goal, you have no say in what the Universe will deliver. Make sure you know what you want, and have it committed to paper. Share your experiences with me by contacting me through the website. Your story can inspire others to improve their life as well.
To your success!
A Recommended resource to keep you on track from here:
The Mindset Mastery 12-week Home Study Course – this is a life-changing experience that will draw out the best from within you and give you the tools to you need to conquer every challenge that comes your way on your path to financial peace of mind for you and your family.
“I have just completed the home study course and can not begin to express my gratitude in finding this life changing material. My husband and I are now on a path of success that brings more confidence and opportunities every day. Sometimes I am in awe of what we have accomplished in such a short time and I know without a doubt that it is because of our deeper understanding of universal truths that are so eloquently taught through his home study course. The peace and confidence we feel about our future now surpasses any ideas we may initially have had about it in the past. We have officially taken control of our lives and look forward to every day and learning opportunity that comes our way. I do not feel helpless anymore and my own wishes and dreams of contributing to this family on all levels are happening.” Amanda J
“I can honestly say that I have never been more excited to study in my life. The format is amazing, easy to maneuver and inspiring. It is so comprehensive, that it can be used by anyone. I look forward to my quiet nights when my kids are asleep, my husband at work, and me and my [Mindset Mastery] home study course can spend some time together. It has helped me keep my head in the game about all these wonderful things I am learning. It keeps them perpetually in my life. I am so, so grateful for it!” Jonelle H.
Learn more at ProsperTheFamily.com
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