The Children’s Market

By Heather Backman

I didn’t realize until later that I created a vacuum by my children and I having a deep desire to find a way to make some money in a fun way. We let this desire work in us until one day we landed upon an idea that we loved, and would be fun for us. So we went for it! We started making freeze dried candy! We had a blast freeze drying Skittles and Taffy. It was so fun to see how they blew up. The taffy almost quadrupled in size! We had a blast watching it happen! It was like a science experiment. Then we tried gummy worms, Jolly Ranchers, Hi-Chews, Bit-O-Honey, and Milk Duds. It was so fun! The Milk Duds exploded into giant fluffy balls of goodness. We had no idea that we needed to even cut those in 4ths and separate them out before freeze drying. We had so much fun discovering what would happen to the candy if we freeze dried it. We even tried ICE CREAM! It totally worked! We cut ice cream sandwiches into bite sized pieces as well as put whole ice cream sandwiches on the trays. We also put Cookies and Cream Ice Cream into square molds, froze it, then popped it out onto the trays and freeze dried that! It was so cool! It was like astronaut food! It was delicious!

While having so much fun, we decided to pursue this as a little family business. After looking into all the laws and restrictions, we weren’t sure we wanted to proceed after all. But, we were willing to do it to fulfill our desire of making money while doing something fun as a family. I called around to different local farmers markets and other events and I couldn’t find a single market that would allow us to sell under the Homemade Food Act. I wasn’t sure what to do. We knew we could find a way to sell the candy but we weren’t quite sure how. 

Little did I know that by us making, packaging, even creating a logo and labels for our freeze dried candy, that it created a vacuum – A hole that needed to be filled! Thus it was only a matter of time before the desire would be manifest because “nature abhors a vacuum.” And the hole that needed to be filled was a place to sell our candy! So we kept our minds open to different options knowing that the solution would show up at some point!

Then one day, the idea came! It got me and my family so excited! I thought, “if we can’t go to any markets, then we are going to create a market! A Children’s Market!” I began right then and there to create a plan. I decided to call it the, “Neighborhood Children’s Market.” I spoke to parents to see if their children would also be interested in participating in the market. Many parents were eager to give their kids the opportunity to have an entrepreneurial experience, so the market filled up quickly with kids wanting to sell! 

Market day came and it turned out to be much more successful than I expected! Many kids sold out of certain items including us! It was so fun to see how successful these little vendors were. Once the market was over, the kids were eager to see how much money they had made. We were surprised to find that the kids made just under $200. We were amazed!! I felt so much gratitude! 

Had we not created the vacuum by putting our idea into action, we would have never created the Neighborhood Children’s Market, nor would we have made any money on our freeze dried candy! It was the principle of faith in our desire, as well as action, that created the vacuum, which created the need for a place to sell, which then allowed the idea to come, which then created the place to sell, which then our desire was made manifest! The kids were able to walk away feeling happy, excited, and financially successful. And that was just the beginning, we will be holding many more markets in months to come which will allow that desire to increase! 


For more on this topic, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters FREE.

Heather Backman
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