How to Connect with Anyone: By Focusing on YOUR Truth

By Heather Backman

Connecting with another person is such a beautiful harmony between two people. It is as if we remember each other from a previous realm. But if it is so beautiful, why do so many of us shy away from connecting?



Most of us are way too scared to be vulnerable with each other! Why? Because being vulnerable requires us to be honest, real, and authentic. Unfortunately, many of us are too ashamed of who we are. We would rather die than have anyone see the real us! Many of us feel that if we actually showed who we really are, we would be laughed at, mocked, and lose friends and perhaps even family members. 

The truth is, who you are is beautiful! You are perfect just the way you are. And the more you can tap into YOUR truth – the more you will be able to not just connect with others, but deeply connect to those you love. 

Cinderella said, “Perhaps the greatest risk any of us will ever take is to be seen as we really are.”

But don’t we each long to BE our TRUE and AUTHENTIC selves.? Aren’t we each screaming to live inside of our TRUTH? YES! So let’s do it! 

Here are 3 things you can do to choose vulnerability connect with anyone.

  1. Don’t take ANYTHING Personal – by not taking anything personal, you give yourself more power over your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It also gives you an opportunity to value the other person’s uniqueness and individuality while being able to celebrate your differences.
  2. LET GO of the patterns and relationships that no longer serve you – as you do this you will then free up space to fill your life with people and circumstances that honor you, support you, and lift you!
  3. Get Comfortable with Choosing into Vulnerability – The more you can choose into speaking YOUR truth, the more your authenticity will shine through. Learn to choose into the discomfort of expressing how you feel and speaking up for yourself. Be honest and open and you will experience the freedom that accompanies living inside of the truth of who you are!

Isn’t it worth the risk of being seen as we really are? Absolutely! So lean into vulnerability because after all, where there is no vulnerability, there is no truth! BE the TRUTH of WHO YOU ARE! What you focus on expands, so let YOUR light expand by focusing on YOUR TRUTH!


For more on this topic, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters FREE.

Heather Backman
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