Poor Little Genius
What is a “Poor Little Genius”? A poor little genius is someone who has a wealth of talent hidden inside of them, but who
What is a “Poor Little Genius”? A poor little genius is someone who has a wealth of talent hidden inside of them, but who
In 2009 I had a new AHA experience that impacted me just about as much as any of the success principles I’ve been talking
Do you have an idea spinning inside your brain, but wonder if it could ever really make any money? You’re not alone. Thousands of folks have done it – really turned their ideas into cash. But it’s kind of a miracle, right? I mean, these folks just got lucky breaks. Surely. Trust Your Heart: Turn Your Ideas into Income, the new book from IdeaMarketers.com showcases 19 very different individuals who once sat in the same spot you are. Wanting to develop an idea and market it, but just wondering how. The publisher, Marnie Pehrson, called to ask if I would write a chapter for her book some time ago. My chapter is called “Confessions of
A Book Worth reading: What are you thinking? The buzz around What Are You Thinking, the 36 page fully-illustrated children’s book published by ThoughtsAlive
Long before Garrett became my co-author for Portal to Genius, I burned out on my business and just wanted to focus on my family.
What is a “Poor Little Genius”? A poor little genius is someone who has a wealth of talent hidden inside of them, but who
In 2009 I had a new AHA experience that impacted me just about as much as any of the success principles I’ve been talking
Do you have an idea spinning inside your brain, but wonder if it could ever really make any money? You’re not alone. Thousands of folks have done it – really turned their ideas into cash. But it’s kind of a miracle, right? I mean, these folks just got lucky breaks. Surely. Trust Your Heart: Turn Your Ideas into Income, the new book from IdeaMarketers.com showcases 19 very different individuals who once sat in the same spot you are. Wanting to develop an idea and market it, but just wondering how. The publisher, Marnie Pehrson, called to ask if I would write a chapter for her book some time ago. My chapter is called “Confessions of
A Book Worth reading: What are you thinking? The buzz around What Are You Thinking, the 36 page fully-illustrated children’s book published by ThoughtsAlive
Long before Garrett became my co-author for Portal to Genius, I burned out on my business and just wanted to focus on my family.
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