What is a “Poor Little Genius”?
A poor little genius is someone who has a wealth of talent hidden inside of them, but who perhaps remains poor because they haven’t figured out how to discover and develop their God-given gifts.
No matter how financially stuck people may feel, everyone is born with the capability of having “genius” ideas.
For example, consider the woman from the midwest who was frustrated with all the tumbleweeds blowing through her back yard which were getting stuck in the fences.
As a joke, she put them up for sale on the internet, and now she runs a business selling tumbleweeds to high-end designers and movie producers.
She probably didn’t recognize her idea as “genius”, but it was. She was simply responding creatively to an annoyance in her life.
So as long as you have annoyances, disappointments, challenges, or setbacks, you have all the right ingredients for a genius idea.
Your genius ideas are right there, floating on the surface of your consciousness, and like that woman, you might not even realize that the subtle idea trying to get YOUR attention could open huge doors for you.
Years ago, when my husband and I were brainstorming on how to recover from a financial setback of our own, we decided it was time for me to finish my third book. However, there was one giant obstacle in the way. As we worked to overcome that second problem, my husband had an idea, which turned into over forty-thousand dollars in new income within just a couple months.
This idea-generating skill is a skill that can be learned, which is why I’ve worked really hard to create tools and programs that will help YOU identify and develop the genius ideas that are inside of you.
So, don’t be a poor little genius. 😉 Let me help you.
But first…
Say “poor little genius” ten times fast…
…and you’ll probably end up saying the name of my third book. Here it is, along with a few of the other new “Genius” tools available now to help you figure it out:
- Portal to Genius – FREE ebook. The award-winning, best selling sequel to The Jackrabbit Factor.
- Awaken Your Genius – FREE Podcast. Become a powerful genius-idea machine.
- Genius Bootcamp – 3-day workshop
I look forward to helping you have a major BREAKTHROUGH this year! Originally published November 12, 2010.
- Overcoming Deep-Seated Beliefs - February 10, 2025
- Possible to stop relying on credit? - January 31, 2025
- Update on Flip Chicks Founder - January 18, 2025
2 Responses
Back in 2003 I was writing an ezine about how to make everyday life easier. I wrote a lot about how to keep your house clean easily. Back then, someone was selling an ebook about teaching your parrot to talk. He said you should put all of the articles together and create an ebook. I thought, really? Nobody’s gonna buy this…I put together all of my housecleaning systems and created an ebook called Secret Confessions of a Clean Freak. It’s been selling ever since. You just never know.
Love this!