Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. ~ Arthur Ashe
Action plays an important role in the process of achieving goals. However, the real purpose of action isn’t probably what you think it is.
So let’s look at the goal achievement process described in The Jackrabbit Factor (free download!)
- Decide what you want
- See it done on the screen of your mind
- Feel the emotions you expect to feel
- Take action according to the ideas/promptings that come to mind
- Persist in belief and continued action until it is accomplished
This formula for success is dependable, and the story helps you understand why. As can be expected, people often have questions about each of the steps, such as:
- “What about God’s will?”
- “How do I see it done?”
- “What do I do if I can’t feel the emotions?”
- “How do I get and recognize the ideas/promptings I need?”
…and so forth, and all of these questions are addressed in depth through the Mindset Mastery Program. But I’m not going to leave you totally hanging. That’s why for this post, we’re going to take a deeper look at item number 5.
Before I understood the principles of success and knew how to effectively apply them, I thought I had to take super-human strides to reach the toughest goals. But whenever I ran out of steam, I lost hope. It was that inflow of doubt that ultimately caused my failure, every time.
When I realized how faith had a very real and direct influence on the outcome, I tried to imagine that so long as I pressed forward, people and circumstances were continually lining up on my behalf, and that all the necessary elements would fall into place at the right time. I didn’t have to “go the distance” because success would kindly meet me in the middle.
And when I really believed it, that’s what started happening.
So my new approach looked more like this:
I pictured things coming together. I began to imagine vague silhouettes of people who would come along and provide the help I needed along the way. I say “vague” because I didn’t know who the people would be; I just knew someone would help me when I needed it. I trusted that someone would come along to show me the way, or teach me something I needed to know, or introduce me to someone else I needed to meet. And most importantly, I continued to take whatever actions I could think of to keep me going forward.
Now, on the surface it might appear that it was the action steps that took me where I needed to be; but the fact is, I was only able to maintain my belief (the real power at play) because I set up channels for the money, resources, and people to find me.
Let me put it this way:
How easy is it for you to believe that God will supply you with what you need next week if you have only ONE source of income, and you already know it won’t cut the mustard?
The fact is, God can provide, even if you have a fixed-income, but only as you live by principles of faith. You must believe. If you cannot believe, then you CAN get busy setting up additional streams of income – not just so you can handle it yourself, but so that it’s easier for you to believe that He can send you the money you need when you need it.
It’s the BELIEF that is key, but it’s the ACTION that helps you believe.
Even if you set up an income stream that only provides an additional $10 per month, you’ll go from having one income stream to two, and your belief will grow.
Over time, you can set up multiple and ever-increasing streams of income. Because of your efforts, you’ll have more confidence that He can, and will provide for your needs. I believe He wants to bless you faster than you are capable of receiving it. So when you give it your best and increase your belief, you are no longer the limiting factor in what He can/will do for you.
As you work, your confidence can grow. With greater confidence, your belief can grow, and with belief, your faith can grow.
“For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them” (Ether 12:12)
“Behold and lo, mine eyes are upon you, and the heavens and the earth are in mine hands, and the riches of eternity are mine to give. Ye endeavored to believe that ye should receive the blessing which was offered unto you; but behold, verily I say unto you there were fears in your hearts, and verily this is the reason that ye did not receive.” (Doctrine and Covenants 67:2-3)
So have faith, and if you don’t have faith, keep taking action until you do.
Do you see how Action plays TWO roles?
- Action makes things happen. It’s what creates business transactions that create wealth.
- Action also lays a foundation for effective faith. It’s what gives you evidence, which can strengthen your faith that God will bridge the gap between what you’ve been able to do, and what needs to be done.
If you only see Action as described in the first statement above, you might only enjoy the success for which you are personally responsible. Your success might only rise to the level of your highest aspirations. (Not necessarily a bad thing.)
But if you employ Action as having the faith-building role as described in the second statement, you can enjoy more unlimited success because you know that your part is only a small part in the big picture of what God plans to do in your life. If you imagine He has bigger plans that you can even imagine, your action will keep you moving forward and ultimately realizing His plan for your life (which I can pretty much guarantee will be more amazing than anything you can dream up on your own.)
So, if you feel trapped right now, just DO SOMETHING. Move your feet. Take action. Have courage to make a thoughtful decision and then go for it!
And always remember the reason for taking action, that it helps you build faith; because done God’s way, faith will always be the A-number one ingredient for success. Originally published August 12, 2008
To learn more about how to get un-trapped, click here to read The Jackrabbit Factor FREE.
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2 Responses
This was a timely and amazing reminder of what I learned reading Jackrabbit Factor. Thank you Leslie.
God used you to minister to me through this post today! Spirit has whispered for weeks steps to take to get my online businesses going and I have been sitting here frozen. Yes, there have been distractions (my 86-year old mother had major surgery and right after that her 60-year old house underwent a major renovation). However, mom is now doing great and is back to her normal hectic life and the house is beautiful and still I sit and fritter. Your post made me see that inaction, particularly after God has given me instructions on what action to take, is a sign of a lack of faith in God.
Thank you for sharing – from the bottom of my heart.