Miracles are sometimes messy in the middle

Laurie Hext was a participant in the Miracles Made Simple program, and she documented her experience as she faced challenges and applied the principles that help us qualify for heaven’s intervention.

Reading real stories of real people can help you believe that you can experience more miracles in your life, too. With the hope that it can help someone else, Laurie has given me permission to share her story, and exactly how it unfolded:

October 10, 2023

Leslie, I would like to share some experiences because that showed up in journaling this morning. These are about the laws and thank you for the many ways you share them. I have tried to edit out the drama that does not apply for brevity, But this is a 2 year story in the making.
I am doing your Miracles Made Simple program (a miracle in itself) and this week is on Adversity. I have to share my journey because this lesson is so perfectly timed. Two and a half years ago my husband and I decided to purchase his uncle’s business in a smaller town in Arizona. July of 2021 I attended Genius Bootcamp in Phoenix/Mesa and was ready to make all our dreams come true! I had investors lined up and thought we were good to go. My husband left his job in Utah and started running the company in AZ. We rented our house in Utah to our children and we were on our way. I still worked at my position in Utah, traveled almost 100% of the time and would just sleep on the back deck of our former house when I was in Utah.
What happened is that we ran into roadblock after roadblock on completing our funding and closing on the business purchase. The time ran out, and the owner announced that he was not yet ready to sell the company. My husband kept working and making positive changes there. Simultaneous to this, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer and I was now close enough to drive him to his medical appointments. My employer reduced my travel and I worked remotely and drove 10 hours each trip to take dad to the doctors and for treatments.
I was so angry that I had to deal with this situation, and kept thinking that if I was in Utah I wouldn’t have had to manage it. Hubby, accurately, pointed out that I would have been dealing with it from Utah, what a blessing that we were in Arizona. I was still working full time and doing 3-4 trips to the doctor each week. It was physically grueling and it was a blessing to be able to serve my parents.
During this process, my father let slip multiple lies and deceptions that he and my mother had been perpetuating for most of my life and that of my younger siblings. Then things go dicey. Both of my parents contracted COVID and ended up in separate hospitals. Dad had been mom’s caregiver for the last 20+ years so there was so much coordination with my parents. My siblings would fly in and help for a week or a weekend which was a blessing beyond belief.
Dad was done and lost the fight to COVID, cancer and  pneumonia that overtook his ravaged lungs. Miracles made it possible for 3 of the 6 siblings to be with him when he passed. Mom was still in rehabilitative care and needed to go into assisted living. Nothing had been set up or prepared for my parents’ passing or estate. We found an amazing assisted living home for mom. She hated it, but it was close and they provided excellent care! I don’t have words for how difficult this was, she would lie about her children, what was happening, who lived in the basement (there was no basement in this house) and every time she saw any of her children or grandchildren she would send us on a 1st-class one-way ticket to Guilt City.
I had nothing left, was exhausted, was managing more and deeper emotions than ever before. And there was still so much to do. I gave notice with my company, the other regional manager had quit and they thought I should be able to take on 20 apartment complexes in 12 states and still add more. I was done at the end of July 2022. I thought about doing real estate full time, but that was overwhelming and purchasing the business was not even on my radar…at all! So I did what I always did, I got another job. Mom passed away the day I was to start my new position. The last 12 months has been about grieving, processing and forgiving.
Things would get better, by law they had to.
Over and over in the last 2 years I would read your posts and I would remind myself of the laws. My “keep going” point was “if it is this bad, it will be that good”. It became my call to myself to keep me up and going. Things would get better, by law they had to.
Fast forward to July of 2023. I gave notice at the company I had just started with. I chose to take a few weeks off to be with my children and welcome a new grandbaby to our home then acquire a new position. Being with my children with no time constraints, phone calls that had to be returned etc. THAT is amazing! I purchased a beautiful custom container home to create another cash flow, but it seems that selling it is a better option, so that is in the works.
You would think that with all of the hard things I would not be surprised or concerned about more changes. And yet, I was shocked last week.
The business purchase has still been on the table, but the owner was not ready. It is so much more than just a good investment for us now. The owner has been unsure of what he wants the deal to look like, and only in the last few months even said he was thinking about selling it again. No new numbers or deal timelines. My husband is brilliant in business and has led the growth from less than 3 million a year when he started 2 years ago, to 10 million in gross sales this year. He loves what he is doing! The company provides income for 33 people now. I stepped out of the deal when it changed and just let it be, there was no choice, no energy to manage one more thing. Now, it is back around and this is where the adversity continues and the lesson comes into play.
The owner had a massive health incident last week. He has had surgery, is still in ICU and has been sedated for most of the weekend. I had a brief few hours to sit and talk to him on Friday when he was cognizant. He wanted to talk about us purchasing the business and what the deal needs to look like- he talked to me about that instead of my husband who works for him. He also disclosed that if he dies before he gets it all worked out it will be “a big mess”. This freaked me out! I had to ask my husband, what happens to us if he passes before he puts a plan in place for the business transfer? What do we need to plan on? Yup, the mind had to have answers. And my brilliant hubby had a couple of options that could work.
When you have no idea how it will work out
I have no idea how this will all work out, there are so many things that have to be corrected, done and fall into place. That said, this lesson regarding Adversity, reminded me that challenges are part of the process, the owner was not ready to sell and we were not ready to purchase 2 years ago. We all needed seasoning.
We are now spicy and no matter how this works out it will be ok. Employees will keep their income, contracts will be honored. Maybe this all had to happen so that the owner would get serious about selling, about setting up his estate, updating his will etc. We are blessed beyond belief and have been inspired to make some estate planning changes also! The reminder that Adversity is the blessing and part of the process has helped me to look at this from a completely different perspective. I am so grateful for this experience and all that has brought me to this point. Thank you for sharing the laws and staying in that game. I am grateful to my Father in Heaven for reminding me and providing a laboratory where I get to experience so much, in such a short period of time and get to learn the laws at a whole new level. Have a beautiful day!
Blessings to you!
Laurie Hext

I responded, “Laurie, I love what you have shared here. You are navigating it all with remarkable faith. You found gifts and blessings in the hardships, and it will be interesting to see how things unfold going forward. I hope you will keep me updated, and I hope you don’t mind if I share your story on my website? Let me know what you think. I could always update it again in the months or years to come. Thank you for your email! Warmly, Leslie

So she did. Her update arrived exactly one year and a day later:

October 11, 2024

I have been a part of several of your trainings in the past and refer to them so often! During those trainings, I shared some of our difficulties regarding our business purchase, and how the Rare Faith principles helped. So, I felt it was time to share the completion, too…

The rest of the story:

These principles of life success have been rewarded. Last time I wrote to you, I was not sure that we were going to finish the purchase of a construction business. There were so many roadblocks that had come up to stop this sale. We had failed to raise capital, the owner had changed his mind and did not want to sell. We fought and lost my dad’s battle with cancer then mom passed 6 months later, we moved, left my children and grandchildren in another state. Nothing was going as planned.

Then the owner of the company was at death’s door himself, and the sale was back on. We were rushing to reorganize the business and get funding with the health concerns hanging over our heads (I am happy to report he is doing very well and we get to see him regularly). The funding bank was sold in the middle of our transaction so we started again. Life happened. Finally, after 3+ years we completed the purchase of a construction company at the end of last month! It has been an amazing, enlightening, terrifying, rewarding and sacred experience.

What you become in the process

I have heard it said for years that it is not the the goal that matters, but what you become attaining the goal that is the point. I understand this on a new level. Please allow me to share some of the things that made a difference and helped us get to the completion line of this goal.

1- I had to have a vision of possibilities. I thought it was a good idea to purchase this company, for my husband to move to a new state and to run the company. I thought it would be a grand adventure and would provide an adequate retirement. All of those are accurate, but they were “head based” not “heart based” goals.

I was not converted to this project until everything fell apart, I was at rock bottom and ready to make some drastic (not necessarily good) changes because I was DONE. I went to the Lord with an ultimatum (again, not the best way to get there, but I am a bit hard headed). I wanted to either understand what was going on and see possibilities, or I wanted OUT!

I had prayed before, but this time I asked better questions and put more of myself on the line. I did not care what the answer was, but I had to know! The knowing had to overcome me. In essence I asked for a vision. A vision that was bigger than the fear, the concerns, the roadblocks, and the exhaustion. Alternately, I wanted a new path.

Instead, I was given new questions to ask. These questions were about what my Father in Heaven saw as possibilities and what this could mean for others. He knows me and what moves me, of course he would give those questions to me.

The long and short was that I was given a vision or goal much bigger than I had thought. One that stirred my soul and pulled me out of myself to become a different person.

I grabbed on to this new vision and held both the head and the heart aspects of it close. Then I shared that vision with others! This allowed me to hold a space for success without being attached to the outcome. It allowed me insights so I knew when I needed to step in, and more importantly, when I needed to just get out of the way and allow my team, including the Lord, to do their jobs!

2- The second most important part was a team. I like to run things and be in charge. Sometimes that is great, but I am only one person. There were so many aspects of this purchase that I did not (still don’t) know. I choose to trust the team around me and the process that was unfolding. We made a lot of mistakes, and we learned from every one of them. I learned to let others do their part and gain their experiences without me getting freaked out (ok a few times) because something was not done in the way I thought it should be done.

This project and I were given amazing team members! Friends, Rare Faith, my Miracles Made Simple group and their amazing miracles, prayer, fasting, scriptures, coaches, good books, the former owner and synchronicities. My husband was the best team member ever and I have come to appreciate him in a completely different way. He was the rock, he had a solid goal from the beginning, he NEVER wavered. We all need someone who will stay the course through thick or thin on our team (hopefully I will be that person for someone someday).

It took effort, change and practice to figure out how to appreciate and utilize each of them in this new space. Every one of them was essential to the completion of this purchase. Was it worth facing every terror barrier, every hurdle, tear and prayer? YES! This process has also opened the way for my sister and I to purchase another business. I have to thank my Father in Heaven for sharing a piece of his infinite patience and blessings so that this purchase could come to completion and new goals be set!

Leslie, thank you for sharing so much content. Other’s struggles and miracles always inspire me to continue on and keep asking for, and finding the answers in my own life.

Laurie Hext

Congratulations, Laurie! Your faith and tenacity was abundantly rewarded, but best of all, you have gained the skill of faith and endurance that will continue to serve you throughout your life. Thank you for your willingness to share your experiences to help others not feel so alone in their struggles, and to have new hope that their trials won’t last forever.


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Leslie Householder
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