Last year the Mindset Quotient Test was born, and initial feedback proved that this tool is going to change lives.
However, we also realized the first version had some issues, and basically, it deserved more preparation for it to be the transformational tool that it is meant to be. So I’ve been working on it all year, and I’m excited to release it again soon.
Mindset is multi-faceted!
Our first launch raised the questions:
- What if people score high on a test that measures mindset success in goal achievement, but their relationships are a mess?
- What if someone is really skilled at having deep and meaningful relationships, but they can’t seem to solve their financial problems?
A high score on the test shouldn’t just demonstrate that the person is skilled at using Rare Faith principles in financial goals alone, it should also demonstrate that they have found success in overcoming “people” challenges and that they enjoy fulfillment in their most important relationships.
So… since many of you took the test last year, I wanted to let you know…
Here’s what’s changed:
- Instead of only evaluating the understanding, operation, and execution of universal laws and principles of success, it now also measures motivation and ideals in relationships.
- Instead of only evaluating only 4 mindset types, the Basic version now evaluates 8 mindset types, and the Extended version evaluates 16 mindset type combinations.
Why we need beta testers, and what we need them to do:
A few students have trickled in and taken the test recently, but before we release it to the general public, we need a small group of people to take BOTH the Basic test AND the $60 Extended test (at no charge), and provide some feedback.
If you participate, we will need you to:
- Take the Basic test (20 questions), answering honestly.
- Identify which statements in the Basic results (if any) you believe do NOT match your reality, and why.
- Take the $60 Extended test at no charge (50 questions), answering honestly.
- Identify which statements in the Extended test results (if any) you believe do NOT match your reality.
- Answer a few other short questions to help us fine tune the experience.
The total process is expected to take 1-2 hours.
Click here to start the Beta Test
The form will close after a sufficient number of beta testers have been accepted. (We may need more testers after this first group has gone through, so join our newsletter if you want to stay in the loop.)
Only sign up if you have time to take this seriously.
We appreciate your help – thanks in advance!
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2 Responses
Leslie, My name is LeRoy. We talked years ago. I’ve enjoyed and benefited by reading and studying your books. Years ago I enrolled and attended (but did not complete) one of your Genius Bootcamp classes taught in Sandy, Utah. I am a tall, old guy who spent seven years working with the Covey Leadership Center and the FranklinCovey company as a senior consultant, facilitating, teaching, and keynote speaking their most popular content. I have personally taught with Stephen R. Covey, Blaine Lee, Roger Merrill, Mahan Khalsa, and others. I’ve facilitated their content for corporate and government clients in every major city in the USA and seven international countries (Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, and, Switzerland). I also worked with Stephen M.R. Covey’s company, teaching, facilitating, and keynote speaking “The Speed of Trust”. I’ve also worked as a Senior Consultant with Roger Connors and Tom Smith, authors of “The Oz Principle” and owners of Partners in Leadership. I have a sincere interest in reconnecting with you to learn more about your purpose, vision, action strategies, and plans to bless earth’s citizens of time with the understanding of your content, and their personal application of your processes. I will be honored to talk with you again. With Gratitude for YOU. LeRoy
Hi LeRoy! It’s great to hear from you. We’ll be reaching out to you soon. Thank you for your interest in our work! Leslie