Meet Shelby Jarman, Mindset Mastery Honors graduate:
Shelby has been all-in in learning these principles since the beginning of the course. Because of this, she not only learned the principles of Rare Faith, she integrated them into her way of being. She is thriving in multiple aspects of her life, while staying in balance with thing that really matter to her.
In the first half of the Mindset Mastery course, students set an inconsequential goal in order to learn and practice the laws of thought. This thought work strengthens belief and builds mental muscle memory around faith and witnessing its effects directly and intentionally. When these laws are applied properly, miracles can happen. For Shelby’s phase-one goal, she chose to find an iPod, that had been missing for quite some time.
She reported:
“A couple years ago, I needed an iPod for work, so I put it on my vision board. My daughter knew of my desire and saw it on my vision board. When she purchased a smartphone a short time later, she gave me her iPod which was given to her a few years earlier by her aunt (my only sister). It was perfect for me because it had all of the songs on it that I needed for work. I was so grateful!
“Last year for Christmas, my sister gave me a new iPod. I was grateful for the iPod but other than knowing how to find the play list needed, I don’t know how to use them (add or delete songs) and this one didn’t have anything on it. As a result, the new iPod was put in a safe place, aka being misplaced, and I was content using the old one. (Sometimes I resist technology change because of the learning curve.) A few times through the year I looked for the iPod when my sister asked me about it but to no avail.
“This past Saturday she asked me about it again because she wanted to help me download the music. What timing! Finding the iPod was perfect for me to experience achieving an inconsequential goal. Prior to implementing the steps learned in Mindset Mastery, I felt the need to repent for being a poor steward over this iPod that was gifted to me. Once that was done, I sat down and was so grateful and excited as I visualized the iPod in my hand, turning it on, choosing the song to play, and then placing it in the speaker. My hands started tingling as I was visualizing holding it; cool feeling!
“After visualizing the iPod I looked under a bag but it wasn’t there. I was then immediately directed to look in a cloth bag on a table. There was a box in the bag and I instantly knew that the lost had been found! I took the iPod to the family room, turned on the song Happy Dance by Mercy me and did a happy dance. I experienced L.U.C.K.! [Living Under Correct Knowledge]”
Great job Shelby. I love how you intentionally recognized and celebrated the miracle. As it is with so many, small successes like these help Mindset Mastery students have the courage to move on to bigger goals that may have previously seemed impossible.
For her phase-two goal, Shelby decided to use the principles to overcome a challenge that developed over the course of several years. I’m sharing this because I think many people will relate to this and be inspired by how Shelby used the rare faith principles to create the home environment she really wanted.
She explains:
“In recognizing that my physical environment has an impact on my emotional and mental well-being, I determined a change needed to be made. Therefore, my Phase 2 goal was to organize and clean our home. Over the course of 29 years a lot of stuff has been collected. There were multiple reasons that stuff was held on to; some was because ‘you never know, we may need it someday.’ Other stuff was kept not for sentimental reasons, but because it belonged to other family members or a family member gave it to me, while other stuff was put in a place and over time forgotten about as it was covered with more stuff.”
It is common for doubts, fears and inadequacies to surface when you set out to change something that has been a part of your life for a very long time. It is in these moments that many people loose motivation and stop moving forward with the changes they are trying to make. Because of her intentional effort in the Mindset Mastery program, Shelby knew what to do when this came up. Notice the thought work she engaged in as she put the Law of Vibration into action:
“Clutter has been a main theme in several aspects of my life; physical environment, thoughts, and emotional ‘baggage’. Thoughts would feed the physical and emotional aspects. The thought of ‘I am unorganized’ was prevalent in my mind and well expressed in my surroundings. As I progressed in the course, I chose to believe that ‘I am organized.’
“As these two thoughts were held in my mind at the same time and I continued to believe ‘I am organized,’ it was time for me to take action by cleaning my home (my Phase 2 goal). My first action step was to clean off a table in my bedroom. As easy as it may seem to do, the thought of ‘you can’t get rid of that; you may need it someday’ popped up creating anxiety/fear and threatened to impede my progress as it has so many times in the past. However, this time I held to my new beliefs that ‘I am organized’ and ‘I have what I need’, which allowed me to remain focused and clean the table. Things were appropriately discarded or put in their proper place. Breaking through the terror barrier enabled me to not only clean the table, but to also accomplish my goal of cleaning my home.”
Did you see that her focused intention on being organized caused a subtle shift? She was no longer “in harmonious vibration” with clutter. As her mind wrestled with this, she made a choice to hold the frequency that corresponded with the results she wanted. Her commitment to this choice helped her make it through the discomfort that always accompanies believing a new truth about oneself. She continues to explain what happened when her sub-conscious thoughts became harmonious with vibration of organization:
“The goal date was Saturday, December 14, 2019. I selected this date so it would be done before our daughter returned home on December 17 from a four-month trip of volunteer work in Costa Rica. Although there were 23 days from the day the goal was set to its completion there were actually only 17 days to complete the goal due to Thanksgiving, a two-day trip out of town, and three Sundays which are no work days. Rare faith was needed with the 17 days because I had other responsibilities to attend to as well (family, clients, Cub Scouts, homework) …
“…and much of the stuff/clutter belonged to others, and hearts would need to change.
“I was in awe at how hearts were changed, and others were ready to release items they wouldn’t previously. Also, ideas and help were given to organize things in new ways. A lot of progress was made, but by the end of December 14 my goal was not complete. I remembered the law of gestation and kept calm.
“I still had Monday and most of Tuesday to complete it before my daughter returned home. Monday was spent intently cleaning. About 6:50 Monday night three of our daughters came home with dinner. I was still cleaning when I heard someone say ‘Hi’. I looked by the entry way and wondered who their friend was. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was our daughter who was in Costa Rica. She surprised my husband and me coming in a day earlier than she told us.
“Nooooo! I was so happy and excited to see her, but disappointed that my goal was not accomplished before she got home. This is where I had to immediately get my priorities in order. An organized and clean home was a bite-size goal. However, strong family relationships [was the ultimate desired outcome and] is a never-ending part of my life’s purpose goal.
“I spent that evening and the next day relishing relationships and listening to my daughter share her Costa Rica adventures. A couple days later, December 18, I completed my goal. I am so grateful and happy that our home is clean and organized! I love the calmness and clarity I feel as I walk through our home; such peace. Mercy Me, I think it’s time for a Happy Dance!”
I don’t know about you, but I love imagining Shelby doing the happy dance every time she experiences a win. Her hard work paid off in many aspects of her life. While she was in the course, she also applied the laws to her business. Here is another experience she shared:
“To get the word out about an upcoming class for massage therapists our business was having, a flyer was posted on our business website and on the NCBTMB website. It was also determined that flyers needed to be distributed to therapeutic massage businesses. Being a rather shy individual, the thought of doing so stirred up feelings of anxiety and fear caused by less than uplifting thoughts; ex. “They don’t want your flyers, you speak too fast, you don’t make sense, you don’t look professional,” etc…
“However, I pushed through those thoughts and emotions. I visualized introducing myself and speaking clearly and with clarity as I told the manager about the class and asked if they would be willing to share the flyers with the massage therapists. The result of doing the visualization was that I expressed myself clearly and each manager was grateful for the information because they are always looking for CE classes the therapists can attend. When asked if I could drop off flyers in the future for classes they all said yes. One even gave their email address so I could email it to them.
“Through this experience I have gained confidence in expressing myself and others want to hear what I have to say to them.”
It’s fun to see how many places we can apply these principles. Well done Shelby, I’m sure you will continue to grow as you keep practicing the principles of Rare Faith.
Sometimes when we are trying to apply these laws we get a little stuck. When the Law of Gestation is in play the fear that you’re doing something wrong can come up. When asked what she would tell someone about overcoming fear she had this to say:
“To overcome your fear:
1. Clear your mind; notice the emotions you are experiencing, thank them for any message/lesson they may have for you, and then release them.
2. Get clear in your mind what you desire (goal) and believe it desires you to have it.
3. Visualize and feel as if you have received your desire/goal.
4. Take authentic action toward your desire/goal.”
This is such a wonderful list. Thank you for taking the time to listen to the Spirit and record what works for you. I’m sure it will benefit others.
Many of the Mindset Mastery students also participate in a Genius Bootcamp before, during and/or after taking the Mindset Mastery course. Shelby took advantage of the additional support it had to offer, and had a profound experience.
With her permission, I’ll share what happened:
“I attended Genius Bootcamp in November because I felt it would enhance my experience in Mindset Mastery. It was my desire to learn and grow as much as I could, so I immersed myself in the class unlike any class I have attended. I opened myself up to being ‘vulnerable’ as I shared concerns/experiences. As a result, I gained greater insight about things I needed to do.
“Following …describes my experience of overcoming troubling emotions that were hindering me in the class:
“Just prior to class, beginning on the third day of Genius Bootcamp, I received a call from my daughter who was on vacation in Panama and was having a hard time due to somethings that happened. I was frustrated and angry about it as well. One of the Saturday morning activities was to express gratitude. I used that time to express gratitude for the lessons my daughter could learn from her experiences. It helped calm me.
“The next activity was a 20-minute challenge to ‘listen’ for ideas, essentially promptings from the [Holy] Spirit. Although I was calmer after the gratitude exercise, my mind was still focusing on what my daughter was going through. Therefore, the 20 minutes was spent in forgiving those involved with her situation. Upon completion of the process I felt peace and calmness. This activity reminded me of the importance of taking the time to clear ‘emotional baggage’ on a daily basis…”
Indeed, there is great healing power in gratitude and forgiveness.
When asked what she would say to someone who was trying to decide whether to join a Mindset Mastery class she had this to say:
“What a difference the Mindset Mastery Program has made in my life! For years I have had a desire to help others and have done so. Several years ago, after quitting my job and doing a lot of healing work I was set on the path of starting a business to help people heal as I did, from the inside out. There have been several detours on the path which I have learned, through this program, really are the path. I took this program to help me build my business but have gained so much more. As important as it is for me to do this work, I now realize it is only a part of what I am to do. For, I now have a clear vision of my life’s purpose which gives me a blue print in which to create goals.
“Many life changing lessons have been learned as a result of the Mindset Mastery program: 1) I am a co-creator with God, and He wants me to succeed. 2) I am to be a better steward over all with which I have been blessed. 3) Each goal I achieve can benefit others. 4) Visualizing the goal with gratitude and emotion ‘as though’ I have it enables me to stay focused. 5) When things don’t seem to be going my way, I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE. 6) Keep my priorities straight; relationships are more important than me achieving a goal. 7) Unseen help is waiting. I just need to ask. 8) Intentional living is L.U.C.K.
“Although I have completed the program, I now move forward with Rare Faith and applying the principles to have a positive impact with all whom I have the privilege to interact. Thank you Leslie, Trevan, Cari and all of my classmates for all you have taught me! May you all be showered with God’s blessings!”
Congratulations again Shelby! I am glad the course had a positive impact for you.
If you would like to learn more about Shelby, find her at the Center for Inner Healing and Balance.
Click here to learn more about the Mindset Mastery program, or click here to check the upcoming schedule for the GUIDED version.
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