Healing Mental Illness?

Is healing mental illness possible?

You be the judge as you read Michelle Reittinger’s experience below.

Michelle was spotlighted last month for graduating from Mindset Mastery, but in that post I didn’t tell you about the battle for her life. She’s allowing me to share it with you now. I’m pleased to also report that her story is making a difference for others who struggle with mental illness. She writes:

In 1998, just a month before graduating from college, I was hit with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The doctor explained it as a chemical imbalance that would be with me for life, but assured me that the right medications could help me manage it. I took those words to heart, and for the next decade, I followed the routine—attending every psychiatric appointment and taking every prescribed medication.

Instead of improvement, however, I found myself spiraling downward. During that time, I fell in love, married and became a mother. My illness transformed from a personal struggle into a burden that impacted my husband and our young children.

The breaking point came in 2008 when I suffered a catastrophic breakdown. Over two months, I was hospitalized in three different facilities across two states. I underwent electroconvulsive therapy that left me with memory loss, faced my first psychotic episode, and made several attempts on my own life. In that dark moment, I felt utterly hopeless and believed my loved ones would be better off without me.

The wake-up call

But then, everything changed. One day, as I watched my four-year-old daughter and two-year-old son play, a powerful thought struck me: If you ever succeed in ending your life, it will ruin hers. She will believe it was her fault and it will ruin her life. In that moment, I realized that, even though I felt worthless, my daughter’s life held profound value. I made a vow to survive—for her.

The following year became a daily battle for survival. Then came my second breakthrough. While reading the Bible, I encountered the story of the woman who touched the hem of Christ’s garment and was healed. Suddenly, a thought pierced through my despair: I have the faith to be healed, I know I do!

I approached my branch president (the church congregation leader for my church), who advised me to seek a priesthood blessing from my husband. During the blessing, I was told that this challenge was necessary for my mission on Earth, but if I remained humble and faithful, God would transform my weakness into strength.


A wave of peace enveloped me. My ultimate goal became serving my Heavenly Father, and if this illness was part of His plan, I would accept it. I believed I’d have bipolar for life, but with faith, I could learn to thrive despite it.

Over the next decade, Heavenly Father guided me to discover one recovery tool after another, though I didn’t realize I was healing—I thought I was merely learning to manage my condition better. Then, in 2020, I felt inspired to share my journey. I launched a blog and podcast, and as I compiled what I’d learned, it became clear: I wasn’t just surviving; I had actually healed. I was free of “bipolar disorder.”

A larger purpose

My research revealed that the insights I gained were not just personal but an integrated treatment model that could benefit anyone. This realization illuminated the true meaning of my blessing: I had been given the gift of healing to help others on their journey.

Now, I find purpose in liberating others from the chains of mental illness and the flaws of a broken system. My miracle was gradual, but it was no less extraordinary. It became even more meaningful because it was a miracle I could share.

It was around this time that I discovered Leslie Householder’s books and podcast. I devoured both in two weeks and then enrolled in Genius Bootcamp, facilitated by Bethany Pond Harger, followed by the Mindset Mastery program.

As I honed my goals, an idea emerged: I needed to write a book. Overwhelmed by self-doubt, I felt stuck until I received a message from Bethany about an upcoming Achieving the Impossible session. It felt like a sign. If I was to accomplish this seemingly insurmountable task, I needed support.

Achieving the Impossible

So, I enrolled, and over the next year, I transformed my vision into reality, applying what I learned in real-time to the book that once felt impossible.

On October 15, 2024, I proudly launched The Upside of Bipolar: 7 Steps to Heal Your Disorder—and it became a #1 International Bestseller in the process!

This is just the beginning of my journey. Just two years ago, the extraordinary promptings I’ve received would have felt overwhelming and out of reach. But now, I’ve come to realize that with God’s help, I can achieve the impossible. He is the ultimate creator and miracle worker, and I am His child!

I truly embody the promise that “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” — Philippians 4:13.

Find out more about living well with Bi-Polar Disorder on Michelle’s website at www.theupsideofbipolar.com.


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Leslie Householder
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One Response

  1. What a phenomenal story. Thank you so much for enduring, to be able to share with the rest of us. You truly are a very special Soul doing very special work.
    Thank you

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