I want to share a letter I received recently, because of how it illustrates so powerfully the fact that the principles are not only true for money, but for more important, eternal things:
I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you in person yet, but I’ve been a fan of you since being introduced to the Jackrabbit Factor almost a year ago. I recently felt prompted (and even guided in how to approach it with my husband) to purchase the Mindset Mastery program… I knew it would be great, and the principles taught were powerful. I knew I would see changes in my life and miracles.
What I didn’t know is what God had in store for me.
My life has always been pretty easy. I was grateful for what you shared about choosing your own rock bottom, and a little disheartened by misunderstandings about polarity. I’ve always had a good life and I knew it. (I still do). My biggest trials and setbacks were still pretty minor and small. I would read about having a trial of faith, and sometimes wonder if my faith would ever be tested like that. Or possibly dread what horrible things may happen to make up for such an easy life so far.
Well, ten days ago that all changed. I found out my younger brother …was killed in a car accident on his way home from work.
My first reaction? gratitude. Because of a planned vacation, I had just finished a session at the temple and was with my other brother when we got the news. I wouldn’t normally be at the temple on a weekday in the middle of the day with my husband, kids and single brother. I could see God’s hand preparing us for this moment in so many ways.
Two weeks ago my biggest complaints were not having a second car and my dishwasher being finicky. Trying to work through those small, annoying problems with the principles in the Mindset Mastery program helped me be ready to work through a real and significant problem as I tried to comprehend my brother’s sudden death.
…I’ve been consciously aware of my thoughts and have chosen to reject the ones that would lead me to despair and depression, and embrace the ones leading me to hope, faith and feeling close to Christ and family.
I’ve taken in data and consciously chose to assign positive meaning instead of negative. And I’m grateful to have been trying to develop that habit with easy things.
There have been so many times I’ve been grateful for you and other mentors that have prepared me for this moment, even when I didn’t know what I was preparing for. I’m grateful for my intuition and the Holy Ghost for guiding me to the right resources to help me in advance, so that even as things are temporarily a little uncomfortable, I know I’m going to be better than ever.
Thank you so much for your life changing course. I still plan on continuing it and reaching family time and money freedom goals (now with a new perspective and dedication to what really matters most). In the mean time, I am incredibly grateful to you for creating an inspired program that has helped me to see the good and wonderful things in the midst of tragedy.
These principles are true for money, but also for the more important, eternal things.
These principles have helped me to be a better wife, mother, sister, daughter and person.
Thank you so much for preparing the textbook to help me through my trial and have the answers before I even knew what the question was.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This has been life changing. I can’t thank you enough.
~Don’t Fear, Just Live Right.~
To learn more about the Mindset Mastery program, click here.
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