Tyson Bradley’s Story:
When I first started Leslie’s program Achieving The Impossible, I wanted to apply myself to all the concepts and laws that Leslie taught at a deeper level. I wanted to see how these laws could increase my business. I wanted to achieve impossible goals like writing a New York Times Bestselling book and a business that easily makes 6 figures a year.
I had in my mind a certain idea of how this would unfold, and shortly after starting, I ran into my first roadblock.
At the time I was living with my parents to wait out the real estate market in Utah. My wife and I planned to get into a home in the coming summer. But my mom lost her job and struggled to get a new one and my dad had just retired and kept telling my mom that they needed to go on a mission for our church.
These experiences led my parents to selling their house and pretty much forcing us to find a place to live. This was not exactly what I wanted to focus my time on, but I decided to apply the principles to finding a home. I came to the Achieve The Impossible calls every week to share about the status of my home situation.
My wife and I listed out all the things we wanted in a house. We searched and searched but didn’t really find anything that suited us. In a somewhat defeated way, I told my wife that we should just rent a place for a time while we wait for some of the new housing divisions to be built. I was done searching for a house because it consumed so much of my attention and it was difficult.
The following morning after we decided to shift gears, my wife was reading her scriptures when she had the thought to check online for houses. She found one and told me we should go look at it. I said “I thought we decided we aren’t looking for houses!?” She knew that, but she still felt like we needed to go. So I contacted our realtor, who said that the owners were going to make a decision that day, but that they would delay so we could come and look at the house.
This was miracle #1.
I cleared my schedule and we went to look at the house. It had most of what we wanted but it’s not like we walked in and had that “this is the perfect house for us” feeling. Our realtor said that the owners needed us to place a bid within the next 2 hours and would make a decision within the next day. Our realtor also said we should bid $10,000 higher than what the list price should be in order to have a fighting chance.
We drove to a nearby church and prayed. We both felt pretty good about it, but I still didn’t get any overwhelming feeling. I was not going to bid $10k over asking price, but I was willing to bid $5k. I told God, if this house is for us, then this offer will be selected.
I honestly didn’t have much confidence that it would go through because we couldn’t send them a letter and we didn’t bid over what our realtor recommended.
The next day went by and it wasn’t until 4pm while walking in Costco that we got a text from our realtor saying “they’ve accepted your offer!” I was stunned. I remember driving away from Costco thinking “is this really happening?!”
This was miracle #2.
The next challenge came in paying for the house. Because I had my own business and we had just moved to Utah, it was not going to be easy to get a loan. And after working with different mortgage lenders, we found out that we couldn’t get a loan. Uh-oh. Luckily my parents said they would co-sign and we started the process of getting all their paper work submitted.
The process was long and arduous and my parents were in the midst of packing their house up (having just sold their house) so it was hard to find all the necessary documentation. While going through the steps, my parents prayed and decided that they would just pay for the house in cash and that we could pay them back after they were finished with their mission. Wait…WHAT!?
In other words, due to how tasking it was to co-sign for a loan, my parents paid for the house in cash and we could live in it for almost 2 years without a monthly loan payment. Can it get any better than that? This was miracle #3.
Fast-forward a few months and we were in the house starting a new life in a new town. I could focus on my business more which was going well. I was very busy helping my clients and yet I felt the need to volunteer some time as a temple worker for my church. I got things in order and started volunteering Wednesday mornings. Luckily a member in my local ward also volunteered at that time and was able to give me a ride every Wednesday.
After volunteering a few weeks, I got to know some of the other volunteers, one of which invited me to come to his home for lunch. He was a coach and mentor for high performers. I loved what he shared with me when we met for lunch and he encouraged me to start writing a book.
I ended up hiring him as a coach and with his guidance was able to write the first draft of my book within 4 months. Writing a book was a goal I thought would be completed in 3 years time, not this year.
What’s even more amazing is that I wrote out my ideal experience for this book coming out as though it was a New York Times Bestseller. I specifically wrote down the following “I’m so happy and grateful that all the best people came into my life to make the expansion of this book easy. All the right contractors, designers, videographers, editors, beta readers, influencers, marketers, campaign creators, assistants…they all came in exchange for being coached. They all were converted to the mission of what I was building and wanted to be a part of it. I’m so grateful for them.”
Over the course of me writing this book, the following things have happened…
- I asked a designer friend to help with the book cover in exchange for coaching…she agreed and the design looks much better than if I were to do it on my own
- I asked a videographer friend to help and he is going to support me in creating videos
- I told my friend who drives me to the temple every Wednesday about my book and he said that he is an excellent editor and would be happy to edit my book for free.
- I’m getting onto podcasts with influencers and sharing about the upcoming book
Everything I wrote out is coming true.
It’s amazing, it’s inspiring, it’s motivating. It’s all evidence of the work I’ve done in the Achieve the Impossible class. In fact, one additional miracle is that I was invited to teach a class within the Achieve the Impossible program so that anyone going through has access to the powerful frameworks and tools I’ve used to help me and my clients create and follow through on new habits.
God is behind my work. The laws are supporting my work. The program has accelerated my work and I’m so glad I was able to join it.
As for my future…my ideal is to have the most applied book in the world.
I’ve discovered throughout this process that this first book may not be my New York Times Bestselling book, but rather it will be the most applied book out there. What good is a book that goes out to thousands of people and no one reads it right?
I’ll be launching the most connected, powerful, and life changing membership program that people can try out for free for 14-days by going to https://www.inherentidentity.com/. The program is designed to help you get clear on what you really want and to easily obtain those desires through the Inherent Identity Method.
Most people have an abundance of information in their life, and many know the things they “should” do, but they don’t do it. My program helps make following through on your heart’s yearnings easy and effortless.
So either join the Achieve the Impossible program where you can get a snippet of what I share, or check out https://www.inherentidentity.com/ and get a free 14-day trial of the membership.
Congratulations Tyson! It’s been fun watching all of this unfold for you!
To get more information about Leslie’s 1-year Achieving the Impossible program and find out if her program is the right fit for you, request your no-obligation free consultation here.
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