Anxiety, depression, and addiction

I had a very interesting conversation with my good friend Peggy Matheson. We’ve known each other for years and they recently had our family over for dinner while we were traveling through Utah.


It’s been a fun experience getting to know Peggy, especially because… (okay this might embarrass her, but…) I had first seen her in a movie twenty years ago, and then in a stage play at Sundance Summer Theater, and then in another really amazing movie more recently, and I just think that it’s all very cool that I get to be her friend 😉

But all that aside, we talked a lot about wellness. Mental, spiritual, physical, financial… and I was impressed by some information that they had found, which has made a HUGE impact on their wellness, and the wellness of many others they know.

As you know, I teach that changing our thoughts is key to changing our lives. But Peggy makes a really great point:

“If someone’s mind is stuck in a dark place because of anxiety, depression, addiction, or something even more painful, how can they ever change their thoughts or their life?”  

She’s found an answer to this question, and since I’m a big advocate of tools and resources that can help people overcome tough challenges, I wanted to share her comments with you. She explains it this way:

Because I was feeling so good, the thought took me by surprise. “You’re not good enough.” This was a familiar thought, but typically it came amid a confounding internal barrage of shame and negativity. But on that day, looking in my bathroom mirror, it didn’t resonate with anything inside me. It seemed to be happening outside my head—external and almost foreign. And I was able to let it go so easily!

That’s when I knew the supplement I’d been taking, EMPowerplus™ Q96, was working. And I also realized that the attention, focus, and energy problems, which fed my negative thought patterns, were happening because my brain was malnourished! But let’s go back to where this started.

Several months earlier, I’d met a woman whose 6-year-old son had struggled in school because of attention and mood issues. She’d found a vitamin and mineral supplement that changed his mood and behavior and he was now coming home with smiley faces on his reports instead of frowns! I had friends whose kids struggled with ADHD, so I was curious.

Then she told me the history behind this supplement. In 1996, a man named Tony Stephan lost his wife to suicide. She’d struggled with bipolar disorder for years, but eventually the pain became too great. Then he discovered that two of his children were heading down the same path.

Tony was desperate to save his children when he made a discovery that he considered divine providence. He learned that a very specific formula of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids caused his children’s symptoms to go away! This was absolutely unheard of in the world of psychiatry. But in the 18 years since his discovery, research has verified what he found: mental illness can be caused by brain malnutrition.

The woman gave me a sample of EMPowerplus™ Q96, which I took home to my psychotherapist husband. He started taking it and found it quelled his stress and anxiety. In fact, he hadn’t felt so peaceful and calm in many years. And it silenced his brain chatter too. He fondly remembers the first time he got back into bed following a middle-of-the-night bathroom break and realized his mind was completely silent. “Aahhh

I recognized pretty quickly that something miraculous was going on here. My husband was also amazed. But, being a psychotherapist, he was skeptical. He had to read the research, try it with clients, and see for himself. It took him a while, but now he’s convinced we’re in the midst of a paradigm shift in the treatment of mental illness.

I started taking it too. Not only did it calm me down and clear up my thinking, like what I experienced in my bathroom, but it also got rid of my mid-day energy slump and brain fog! It’s amazing how much better life can be when your brain is fed properly.

Then we started meeting others whose lives had been changed by the supplement. Some described subtle improvements—feeling more positive or energetic. Others told us how it literally saved them from depression, suicide, terrible mood swings, addiction, brain injuries, and more. We became passionate.

[As mentioned before… ] Leslie teaches in the Mindset Mastery program that changing our thoughts is key to changing our lives. But if my mind is stuck in a dark place because of anxiety, depression, addiction, or something even more painful, how can I ever change my thoughts or my life? This is why I’ve become such an advocate for EMPowerplus™ Q96. It changes lives by feeding the brain and freeing the mind.

Thanks Peggy, for sharing your story.

So, if you want to free your mind, click here to learn more, and find out if Q96 is what you’re looking for.

Disclaimer: Comments and testimonials expressed herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. QSciences does not claim to treat or cure any diseases. Do not alter or discontinue any current medical treatment based on information from these pages. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.

Leslie Householder
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