Meet Annette Myers, Mindset Mastery Graduate!
Annette is a wife and mother of five beautiful children, and is in the process of starting a small business, providing craniosacral therapy for emotional release. When Annette began the Mindset Mastery program, she introduced herself to our private Facebook group with the following:
Hello everyone. My name is Annette Myers. I’m new to Mindset Mastery. I am a pediatric physical therapist. I recently discovered the amazing benefits of craniosacral therapy, and have started doing more of this work, with a focus on emotional release. In the past I have had challenges with anxiety, which has limited me from becoming who I want to be. I also feel the emotions of everyone around me, which has been a huge learning experience my entire life. I have been giving serious work and attention to my thought patterns over the last few years and have made significant strides. I am looking forward to this program to continue to allow me to create what I want! I’m happy to be here!
Q: What was your Phase 1 Inconsequential Goal?
Annette: I set my inconsequential goal to be having fresh flowers on my kitchen table. I kept visualizing, and it didn’t happen. After a week or so, I realized I had some mums growing in my yard, and that I could cut some of those for my table. Yet I felt like I was “cheating” to do it that way. However, after a couple of weeks I did it anyway.
After 3 weeks, I realized I just needed to keep moving, even though I wondered if I was “cheating” to move on to lesson 13… Yesterday I wrote in my journal for lesson 13, still wondering if I should wait.
Yesterday afternoon I walked into our Thanksgiving dinner, and immediately began to smile when I saw these flowers on the tables. I instantly knew that one of the bouquets would be going home with me! I was excited about it all day long. And I was right! I can’t help but smile every time I see these gorgeous flowers on my kitchen table.
Here is one of her breakthroughs as she went through the Mindset Mastery lessons, in her own words:
I had a major “A-ha!” moment today. It seems so obvious now that I almost feel a little silly sharing it. 🙂 But the immediate prompting I had after journaling about it was to share it. So despite disliking being vulnerable (or even being “seen”!), here goes!
I started Mindset Mastery because I know I need to change my thought patterns. I’ve been working on it for a long time. However, I admit that I have struggled with how to apply the information, because all the goals and activities are centered around “prosperity”. I have struggled with every activity or assignment that has revolved around prosperity, because I couldn’t see how it applied to me and my particular challenges. I already have financial prosperity.
Today I was working on Module 12. I really didn’t even want to work on it this morning because I was struggling with some of my “usual” anxiety. I had let myself spiral into the belief that my situation will never change. It even deteriorated into a lot of self-recrimination for it. It just felt like I was incapable of changing anything in my thought patterns.
The starred item in lesson 12.1 encouraged me to pause and think about what prosperity looks like for me now, and to think about whether my concept of prosperity has evolved. I’ll admit that I thought, “Not again. I don’t see how this applies.” But I dutifully did it.
Then the lightbulb went off. I finally came to the realization I want EMOTIONAL prosperity! The dominoes started falling into place for me! This is how this program applies to me!
I want emotional and mental prosperity! I want an abundance of joy! And I have as much control over that as I do my financial prosperity. I get to choose whether to allow it to happen.
After all that I have been seeking, after all the “work” I’ve been doing for many years, I finally see what I truly desire. I finally see how it fits!
Q: How effective were you at being able to think truth in spite of appearances?
Annette: I think I have made a huge shift with this over the last few months. It is still very difficult, but I’m starting to recognize where I’m NOT thinking truth. I’m learning to reframe my thought patterns.
Q: What was your Phase 2 short-term goal?
Annette: That I would be guided by the Spirit in finding a wonderful doctor I connect with, and a therapist who does EMDR extremely effectively, and that I would have fantastic growth experiences with both of them by Dec 14. I adopted the affirmation: I am ecstatic that I have emotional prosperity.
Q: Did you accomplish the goal?
Annette: Yes, I accomplished this goal. I was guided to a medical doctor’s office who practice functional medicine in addition to traditional medicine. I was extremely anxious going in. I ended up being see by a doctor who I wasn’t scheduled to see, but the person I was supposed to see just “happened” to get sick. She was perfect for me. I was also led to a therapy practice that had someone who does EMDR. She has been perfect for me, and has been a huge blessing in my life. The steps just lined up. I actually manifested what I wanted, in something that was VERY important to me! I cried all the way home from both appointments, in gratitude.
Q: Was there something you were prompted to do, which helped you achieve that goal?
I chose to write about my worst case scenario of what would happen if I didn’t get emotional prosperity, and if things continued to go downhill. Doing that helped me see how much I use “all or nothing” thinking, and almost always go to the worst in my mind. It allowed me to realize that thinking this way is NOT truth.
(If you’ve been receiving my newsletter for a while, this may not be the first time you’ve heard about Annette. After she experienced her breakthrough, she created a powerful post of her own about her epiphany: Read it here.)
Congratulations, Annette! You did an amazing job!
What’s YOUR story going to be?
I want to see YOU graduate, too!
Learn more about the Mindset Mastery program HERE.
The Mindset Mastery Program is not to be confused with the Mindset Fundamentals Ecourse.
The Fundamentals Ecourse provides an introductory exploration into the principles that govern success for effective goal setting. It also fills the gaps to give you a basic but complete understanding of the principles, so that you have a solid foundation on which to develop true mastery.
By contrast, the Mastery Program is focused on the *implementation* of those principles and the *achievement* of your goals. It is full of interesting assignments that take you step-by-step through two experimental goals, challenging your thought processes, helping you experience success, and setting up a pattern in your thinking that you will be able to utilize over and over for effectiveness with all of your future goals. I hope you’ll join me in one of these programs, to help you take your understanding and success to the next level in ALL the different areas of your life. Learn more HERE.
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