Someone shared this video with me when they heard I was battling cancer.
It sparked a question that maybe some of my other readers have also been wondering, so I decided to make a post about it.
After sharing this video with some of my students, one of them asked me:
“Do you believe you have the technology? If so, why subject yourself [to chemo]? I’m not attached to anything in your answer. I want to support you however you need it.”
Then, after I mentioning that my bloodwork already shows no cancer, another student (who is also battling cancer) wrote:
“I’m aware that an NED [no evidence of disease] diagnosis from bloodwork alone is inconclusive without a scan of some sort to check for any circulating cancer cells that may remain. I also know that your Dr. wants to give you some additional chemo as ‘insurance’ against this, even though your bloodwork shows NED. I also know that there needs to be a buffer of time between the end of your chemo treatments and a scan, to allow your body to flush out any dead cancer cells remaining from the chemo which could render a false positive on a scan.
“Here’s my issue — and feel free to call me cynical. Unless my Dr. could give me some statistical evidence that continuing chemo treatments that were creating misery would significantly improve my chances of a clean scan, I would stop them and wait until a scan could be done. You could always return if need be. There is evidence of Dr’s. continuing to give chemo treatments for profit (it pays very well) under similar circumstances. Just a thought for your consideration.”
I understand these questions and appreciate their concern. I have had so many people send me thoughts, ideas, and remedies since I was first diagnosed, which I have appreciated very much. Many different approaches have already been brought to my attention (many times), including juicing, mushrooms, antioxidants, Burzynski, and quite a few other alternative approaches.
However, the amount of information there is to sort through is truly overwhelming, and some of it is even conflicting. Many of the stories deal with different types of cancers which behave very differently from each other. With so many options, it can be difficult to make sound decisions with my particular diagnosis and unique genetic markers, which makes my colon cancer even different than the next person’s colon cancer.
(This is why there are so many different types of chemo. You’re given the one that has a documented, proven track record for your particular type and genetic makeup.)
As for alternative approaches, I understand that if the supporting studies do not include or account for my specific pathology, their results may be interesting but not necessarily applicable to my case.
Additionally, there is a very big difference between “curative” treatments and “adjuvant” or “preventative” treatments. I’ve seen a lot of hype pushing adjuvant approaches as if they were curative, which can be a dangerous gamble if the patient jumps in blindly without understanding the difference.
So that’s where true Rare Faith comes in:
One aspect of Rare Faith is getting clear on your desired outcome, feeling it as if it’s already accomplished, and then doing your homework and paying attention to the nudges that come while you’re in that space. Being tuned in to the right thought-frequency really only comes after first getting dialed in and putting yourself in harmony with the end that you intend.
In my case, I imagined the desired outcome and felt a nearly audible prompting when I was given my diagnosis and the doctor’s recommended plan that simply said, “Submit”.
So here was the reply I gave my students:
“The short answer is that I am continuing my chemo not because of my doctor, but because of the instruction I felt like I received from God in the beginning when I was first diagnosed. I have felt all along that my doctor is especially tuned in and driven by all the right motivations. He is different. I feel like it has been divine guidance that I ended up with him. He is young and untraditional. His office has assured me that I can stop anytime I want.
“My decision to proceed has been my own and it feels like what I am supposed to do. I am learning so much, and feel like it has been a privilege to experience the full gamut. For me, I feel like I need to submit at least until my next scan, at which point I will have new decisions to make. So I hope that my reporting about my experiences isn’t coming across as complaining – after all, I’m choosing it. I’m just documenting mostly for myself so I can remember what it was like when I went through it. My compassion and ability to support others who experience this is being magnified and I think it will serve me (and hopefully others) in the future.
“I love that there are options. I’ve been surprised that I haven’t felt more compelled to find a different path for myself. I’m generally drawn to more non-traditional approaches when it comes to medical stuff. I believe in the power of the human spirit, mindset, and some eastern methodologies. I’ve surprised myself that I have not been more inclined to avoid what I’m doing now.
“But the message at the beginning was clear. The doctor showed up to discuss my diagnosis, and the Spirit of God gave me peace of mind with the gentle (and practically audible) instruction: “Submit”.
“So I continue to submit, because doing so brings me continued peace. I also understand that things may change at any time, so I continue to listen for updated promptings. So far, the instruction has not changed.”
I hope this offers some clarification and insight into my journey to health. It is simply my job to fear not and follow each next right step. In doing so, I trust everything to work out for the best, whatever that may be.
To learn more about Rare Faith and how to use it to identify YOUR right next step, read Portal to Genius FREE, or listen to the full audio HERE. Keep in mind it is the sequel to The Jackrabbit Factor, so you may want to start with that, also FREE.
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7 Responses
I applaud you! Everyone’s cancer experience is personal. You are obviously using your thoughts alive skills successfully. My husband is 12 years past his expiration date medically, but we had the advantage of prayers, countless prayers, priesthood blessings, many, Heavenly Father’s will, big faith, and lots of service! My husband has a high tolerance for pain & suffering. Nobody thought he’d live through it. It was brutal. We wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but we wouldn’t trade the countless choice experiences that came with it. Everyday is a miracle! He appears to be cured of his incurable cancer! Sharing your journey will help countless people in many different ways! You’ve got this! You remain in my prayers!
Love you Leslie! So proud of you! You and your sweet husband are in our prayers! You are amazing!
Thank you for sharing your journey, this video, and your insights. I truly appreciate your simple but direct and accurate explanation for each of us to follow the process of our own personal guidance and direction. I’m only guessing, but my own prompting to send you the scripture I did that one Sunday was for your own confirmation and strengthening in your process/journey; just as I have received at times in my own journeys of finances, health, etc.
Helping others try to understand the concept of ‘submitting’ especially when it seems to fly against, or in the face, of all else we seem to teach or profess, is truly a pinnacle of a great teacher and you have done that well here. Thank you!!
Wow! I love every word of this.
When you know what you’re “supposed” to do, and you do it — peace is the outcome, no matter what happens.
Nailed it.
Thank you for sharing this. There are some things that you can only understand by experiencing them. This is one of them. You are definitely a tool in God’s hands. I appreciate your willingness to submit to such an uncomfortable situation. I am also grateful for the trip to Utah, Vegas, and the concert you enjoyed.
I love you and am happy to hear how good you are doing. You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thanks for sharing your journey and your “rare faith.” ❤️