Dreaming Amidst Unemployment

By Jennifer De Azevedo 

2018 was a year of learning for me. The exciting new job I started the year with didn’t come to fruition the way we had all hoped. I found myself unemployed and trying to keep calm and have faith while everyone around me constantly barraged me with questions like, “Aren’t you scared?” and “What are you going to do?” I thought this job was the universe’s answer to my plea for a job that would allow me to support my family and work from home. Now it was gone.

I was doing my very best to rely on the idea that something better was coming out of this situation. It took every ounce of energy I had to keep believing that things were working out on my behalf as long as I could see it and feel it. I spent time convincing myself, “We’re going to be fine! I always land on my feet.”

Not having a job gave me a lot of time to think. I spent hours studying, taking notes, meditating, praying and imagining the life I wanted to experience. As I got better at applying these universal laws, I became less worried and concerned. However, there was no still sign of my dream job, or any other job for that matter. Nothing appeared to be working out; not until I looked backwards at the year. What I had asked for was a job that would leave me feeling fulfilled and allow my family to thrive while using my talents.

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? As a single mom, I never would’ve taken the leap or found the time to create that dream job I had been hoping for, but an opportunity showed up that was too good to pass up, so I jumped. Looking back, I can see that it was never supposed to work out. It was to get me moving in a completely different direction than I ever would’ve gone on my own.

It was to force me to better learn these universal principals, so I could not only benefit from them, but teach others how to use them, as well. Consequently, situations would be dropped in my lap that would make me acutely aware of how much these principals need to be taught to teens and young adults. This is a road I knew I’d be good at and enjoy, but I never would’ve taken it in my current situation. It was too scary. 

The law of Perpetual Transmutation says that everything is either coming into form or moving out of form. When we think of an idea, so long as we believe in it, circumstances are shifting, and resources are lining up. You might not be able to see it now, but keep your faith up, and you will. What appears to be a devastating year for me has actually been lining me up for the life I want.


For more about the seven laws that govern prosperity, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters FREE.

Jennifer de Azevedo
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