Meet Tammy McArthur:
Tammy is a Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate who used what she learned in the program to step into increased physical health, and into her own entrepreneurial goals of helping others.
When she applied for graduation, I had some questions for her:
Q. What was your experience with the Phase 1 experiment? (The “inconsequential goal”)
(Posted in our School of Life Mastery Facebook Group):
Last weekend we had a very long trip covering 2000 miles in four days which would mean spending much of the time in the car. I decided a great goal would be to see a bright yellow vehicle on the road sometime during the first hour of the trip. I tuned into the color, felt the gratitude for seeing it, and the excitement of achieving the goal, then went back to listening to our audiobook as I drove.
Within 15 minutes there it was. Bright yellow car, shortly after a bright yellow semi and within that hour I had seen several vehicles of that color. I was so giddy and giggling. It was amazing!
Of course I couldn’t stop there and did the same thing for colors like lime green, light purple, dark purple, bright orange, etc for the next two days. Practice made it so simple and easy to do. Visualize the color, really see it (the exact color), feel excitement for seeing it, (that giddy excited feeling that comes from the heart), feel gratitude for the experience, and go back to driving. Each time it seemed to manifest sooner. Voila!! There it is!!
At one point I was surrounded by vehicles of a color I had chosen (bright orange). Really? How likely is that?! I started laughing out loud with such joy and a full heart! It really was such a beautiful experience.
The exercise of achieving those inconsequential goals is so much fun! Tammy is also describing what often happens once we get the hang of those inconsequential goals…momentum! What may seem like a challenge at first, quickly evolves into faster and more elaborate results, like the bright pink car on the highway. This is great, Tammy!
(To learn how to do what Tammy did, join us in one of our Mindset Mastery course options here.)
Q. What was your bite-sized Phase 2 “difficult, meaningful, or important” goal?
My short term goal was to lose 20 lbs. in four short weeks. I really enjoyed repeating my objective statement. “I did it!! Today July 15th I weigh 157 lbs and love how amazing I feel. I have energy, a clear mind, and I reversed my diabetes!”
Notice here that she wrote she enjoyed repeating her statement. She also made sure to include the “why” behind the weight loss: the energy, clear mind, and reversal of diabetes. She was both clear in what she ultimately wanted to feel and she used that positive emotion of enjoyment during her repetition.
Q. What happened?
This was for sure a difficult one, as I was addicted to sugar and used food for emotional regulation. The first week I sabotaged it by buying things on my way into work, even after stating my goal multiple times on the way to work. By about the 5th day, I started using more emotion and visualizing myself feeling lighter and walking faster.
I was determined to not take my blood sugar levels for at least the next two weeks. I started at 242 (full diabetes) and long story short, by the end of the 4th week, two days before my stated date, my blood sugar was at 85 (normal range). I lost 12 lbs by my date July 15th. And have since lost 3 lbs more. I’m well on my way to my goal and my levels are always within normal range now. How awesome is that!!
Tammy’s true vision here was her health. Sometimes mindset students will focus on the number when weight is used as a goal, but Tammy shows us how to remain in the vision of health over a number. Her goal was still achieved, and her health had dramatically improved, despite not reaching the number goal she had. This is fantastic!
(This is where I need to say, “Results not typical.” As always, your results if you join us in the Mindset Mastery program will be reflective of the goals you choose and your success will be based on many factors.)
Q. What was your experience facing a fear from assignment/lesson 18? How effective were you at being able to think truth in spite of appearances?
I was afraid of not being able to make enough money with my part time venture as my “trusted” wage from an employer. I had definitely set limitations on myself with that one.
I had to do quite a bit of self talk for this one and suddenly realized “I am seen as a professional helping others. People trust me. I make as much and more in my personal ventures as I do my job”. So much so I have moved to part time with the employer in order to focus on my goals.
I appreciate Tammy’s willingness to acknowledge that she had set limitations on herself, and then decided to turn that around. She did a lot of her own “self talk”, or as we call it – repetitive affirmations. With enough repetition, she realized one day her belief in herself was enough to reduce her full-time employment to part-time in order to work on her own goals. Way to go!
Q. Did you experience a Terror Barrier Breakthrough during the course?
Absolutely! Lesson 18 was a big win for me. It was so difficult to trust the process and trust I could take care of me financially without an employer. It was almost funny when I broke through after digging in and digging in and working overtime consistently instead of focusing on my own goals.
The funny part was realizing I work for someone else and they see my value, my integrity and my loyalty. Why am I not the same person self employed as I am employed? I AM!! That was a profound moment for me.
Trusting the process can be a stretch. It’s supposed to be! As we see here with Tammy’s experience, it was within the trusting while she was working overtime for an employer rather than working towards her own goals that the enlightenment came.
Q. What would you tell someone who is facing their fear right now?
Recognize this is part of the growth process. This means you are ready for the breakthrough! Lean in and allow it to happen.
Lean into the fear (or terror barrier) and allow it (the breakthrough) to happen. It couldn’t have been said any better. Thank you Tammy, and well done!
You can learn more about Tammy and what she’s up to at her website:
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