Rare Faith – One Master

& are you lucky?

One Master

Hi Reader,

A few years ago I realized something…

What follows is not a short read, but if you struggle to make decisions, or if you feel like you’re always pulled in too many directions, I think you’ll find it worth your time. Read more….


Are You “Lucky”?

A Message from Ann Ferguson:

Do you feel lucky?

Or are you frustrated because the laws don’t work for you? I get it. I have been frustrated myself. One day I told myself: I want to find a four leaf clover. I had never found one. And it’s was not for lack of trying. When I was a kid, would sit for hours combing through clovers. I gave up….thinking maybe they didn’t even really exist. (Notice the thought here.)

Years later, I saw my first real one, and then another and another. But I wasn’t the one finding them. Read more…




Mindset Mastery Self-Paced – start any time!
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“Hi Leslie. First off, I want you to know that I’ve been following your news on FB and you are in my prayers. I believe God has big plans for you and that what you’re going through now will serve to lift up so many others, but it doesn’t change the turbulence you’re enduring at the moment. I pray for your peace, your excellent health and for the absence of fear.

“I also just wanted to say thank you for the work that you do. 2022 was a really difficult year for me …. I was angry and frustrated with God. By happenstance (fate?) I ended up on your podcast. I had spent over a year studying abundance [elsewhere] … yet was somehow in a worse spot, concerned that I had spent so much energy on their teachings and not enough on God’s.

“So when I discovered Rare Faith, I finally felt like I found a way of life that not only put God in the center of the path … but also taught me the laws and the steps to take. I didn’t discover [it] until around Thanksgiving 2022 but once I did, I threw myself into it, sometimes spending a few hours every day listening and reading on repeat….

“I produced two films last year and wasn’t fully paid for either of them. Consequently I didn’t know where the money for our bills was going to come from but I knew that this was my opportunity to not fear. I thanked God and I waited. (I also read ALL the Bible verses on not fearing!)

“I wrote ‘February 1, 2023 I am so happy and grateful now that I have employment doing something I love’. I repeated it every day. … On January 29th, I found out that a major network was looking at buying two of my ideas for me to write! (I had been trying to break into that market for 7 years. I gave them two ideas in October and I found myself being hesitant to pray for them to buy both because it seemed so unlikely. But then I decided not to be the limiting factor and reminded myself that God wants the best for me, so I forced myself to pray for both ideas to sell, even though the odds were against that.)

“I don’t know that this would’ve happened without discovering Rare Faith but, working in an industry where I have so little control over my work, learning how to work with the laws and how not to fear is such a game changer for me.

“I have more peace and joy in my life, and I just wanted you to know that your work touches people you’ve never met. I have learned that all of my turbulent years have prepared me for this amazing moment and the incredible life God wants me to have. I have learned (and continue to learn) how to play my part.

“And I know that the difficult time that you are enduring now is preparing you to touch even more lives in the years to come. I will continue to pray for you and I hope you feel the love coming to you from all those you’ve lifted up with your work.” – Betsy Sullenger

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What will you discover next?

Success Through Failing (Podcast)

The author of “Success Through Failing” writes:

“I had a toxic relationship with money for over three decades… Every time I even thought about money, it would bring extreme anxiety… But then….. Leslie Householder came into my life. Through her books, online program, and 3-day [Genius Bootcamp], I reshaped my mindset around money and … you know what? I started doubling my income every year. Money is a blessing now. … Want to know how to do this in your own life? Don’t miss this episode!!”

Reader, I hope you’ve enjoyed this issue of the Rare Faith newsletter. Stay tuned for another great read coming soon!

❤ Leslie

Leslie Householder
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