Rare Faith – It’s been a ride

my cancer update

It’s been a ride (my health journey update)

Hi Reader!

I would love for all my posts to be nothing but uplifting, inspiring, and full of good news. But I’m not even sure yet what I’m going to say for this update because… while the last two chemo rounds were easier physically, they were much more difficult emotionally…

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We needed a home

Lucetta writes: “[T]he owners of the home we were renting needed to sell. The market was such, we didn’t qualify for a loan to purchase the home ourselves. So, my goal shifted…”

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Calendar View

Start any time with Mindset Mastery Self-Paced or Genius Bootcamp Immersion!

Miracles are not just about getting what we want. They’re gifts and blessings that help us see God’s hand in our lives.

They bring a rescue when we truly need a rescue. They give us genius ideas when God sometimes needs us to solve our own problems. They give us an added measure of love, patience, strength, or wisdom when a situation calls for us to be more than we are. They provide glimmers of hope despite the odds.

In this webinar, I’ll share powerful information that will help you understand what you can do to begin experiencing and recognizing more miracles in your life. Don’t miss this training. It’s FREE! Replay available for a limited time for those who register. Sign up here – and invite a friend!

“I just wanted to tell you thank you for allowing me to join this ATI group. Going through the Guided Mindset Mastery program was SO INCREDIBLY powerful to me. I was in awe of how much I didn’t know, and how much I was starting to notice. I knew I would need a lot of practice to continue noticing the laws in my life. I felt like it was such a far-fetched dream to be in a group run by you, and I know that it truly is a miracle. I have so much to learn but I have hope in my heart that I really can become an independent woman who God can trust with his rabbits. Thank you -Thank you! With Much Gratitude, T.C.”
“Thank you for your efforts to provide life changing programs …(even with scholarships!) and also that you are still giving, even in times that are probably really challenging for you. I really appreciate that about you. You’re truly living what you teach.” Christof D.

Do YOU have something to say? Click here to leave feedback

What will you discover next?

Simply Divine Principles (Podcast)

Angie Christensen (founder of Simply Divine Eating) hosted a special event where I discussed the effects of thoughts on circumstances.

I talk about my daughter’s science experiment where I thought the plants would respond according to the energy they received, but they didn’t—until something unexpected happened on week three. Listen now

Reader, I hope you’ve enjoyed this issue of the Rare Faith newsletter. Stay tuned for another great read coming soon!

❤ Leslie

Leslie Householder
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