Please can you help me change my face

By Laura Curtis

Have you ever had people you love so dearly make decisions that you absolutely do not agree with? It is so hard to sit back and allow others to do this in my opinion, or so it used to be. I used to get so frustrated, worried, concerned, etc. I love my children with all of my heart, but the young adult stage was new territory, and I was really struggling. One day while getting ready I was talking to myself and I said, “I hate parenting young adults”. Quickly I had the strongest thought come to my mind saying, “That is because you are not supposed to be parenting them any longer. You taught them, they know what you believe and how you feel, your job now is to just love.”

That was exactly what I needed to hear. I needed to love them where they were. I would ask Heavenly Father in my prayers to help me keep my mouth shut and not put my two-sense in. I was becoming better and better at this I thought until one day one of my boys said, “Mom, you may not be saying anything, but your face is speaking loud and clear.” Well dang, now what? My prayers soon became, “Thank you for helping me to keep my mouth shut, now can you help me change my face?”

I had been working on this for quite some time when I was introduced to Leslie Householder and the Laws of Thought. You can imagine my aha moment when I was taught about the Law of Vibration. I was in awe when I learned that my body is a tool of the mind and that it is through my body that my behaviors manifest. My body language, my actions, and even my countenance influence those around me and have much to do with whether or not I succeed. I was choosing how people felt around me. I learned that the energy I emanate is determined by the way that I think.

This statement from Leslie hit me like a ton of bricks. “It’s sort of a bummer, but you can’t hide your thoughts. They ooze out and show up through your words, your body language, your decisions, habits, cravings, and countenance. In all, they show up as your very LIFE.”

This was exactly what I had been praying for. I needed to truly change my thoughts and feelings, not just pretend by keeping my mouth shut and asking for my body to not reflect how I was truly feeling inside. Once again, I needed to work on myself. It is an ongoing process.

I continue to learn about the Laws of Thought and practice them daily. I continue to study and work on my personal relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ. I want to love as He loves. I want to be more like Him in the way that I respond to others. I want to truly see people the way that He sees them and see situations and circumstances with an eternal perspective. The more that I have been intentional with my thoughts, the more I am in a vibration that is in harmony with the way I want to live and interact with others.

Leslie Householder taught me that “the signals I subconsciously put out are picked up on and responded to and therefor determine what kinds of circumstances come my way.” This has been truly profound to me. It has helped me to really look deep within myself and work on faith and love being what is deeply rooted in me rather than fear and worry. It has helped me to stop and think about all of the things that I am truly grateful for in certain situations and people and allow those feelings to sink deep into my soul.

“It is so clear in nature the order of events that must take place to grow a tree, but in our lives, we expect so much without patience and proper nourishment for our idea seeds.” -Leslie Householder.

I now pay so much more attention to my thoughts and feelings. Far more than I have ever before in my life. I want to properly nourish my idea seeds, my thoughts and feelings. I want others to be able to feel my love and have that be what is speaking “loud and clear”.


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