Meet Christy Lee.
Christy introduced herself to our community back when she began her Mindset Mastery journey. In her words:
I wanted to introduce myself. I am a weight loss coach and mother of 5 amazing kids. I trained through The Life Coach School in 2018 and it was awesome!! I have my own business and love helping my clients remember who they are and see their potential to create abundant health in their lives. I love witnessing those Aha moments when they really start to see that they can do it and then see the success that started with their thoughts.
I had my own coach to help me learn how to do marketing and run my business and he told be about The Jackrabbit Factor. I read it in one sitting and then read it again the next day! My mind was blown!!
Then I read Hidden Treasures and it took everything I that I had learned and was teaching my clients, to the next level! I know that I need to learn more about this in my own life and share it with the people who I am meant to reach.
I’m so excited to be starting this course… and getting to know all of you amazing people.
So, I’m thrilled now to be making the announcement:
Congratulations Christy on becoming a Mindset Mastery HONORS Graduate!!
As always, whenever someone applies for graduation from the course, I have some questions:
Q. Did you face a Terror Barrier during the course?
Yes I did break through the terror barrier! I was scared that if I couldn’t lose the weight that I wanted to lose and be in control of the results in my own life, how could I teach my clients to set goals with confidence?
The laws of success helped me so much with this, especially the law of perpetual transmutation and the law of gestation, I needed to learn some things about myself before I could experience the success that I was looking for. I needed to experience failure again and again and keep going!
I needed to learn that the anxiety about reaching our goals is actually a good thing and it means that what we want has started to form a vibration in our subconscious mind. This is when we need to keep moving forward with faith and our eyes fixed on what we want and the feeling that we will have when we get it.
I know that I just need to know WHAT I want and the Lord will provide the creative details. I just need to pray and listen for the next step and then move forward with my prompting until I get the next one.
My confidence has grown so much in these last few months. I know that I don’t know everything, but I know enough to keep moving forward and the rest will come when I’m ready to receive it!
I also broke through the terror barrier in my financial life! This was huge for me! I was definitely repelling money from my life! I was afraid it would change me, afraid I didn’t deserve it, afraid that success wasn’t possible because I wasn’t expert enough in what I was doing.
I now know that the only thing holding me back is my own doubts and fears and I know how to face them and keep moving forward keeping my eyes on what it is that I am wanting and what it will feel like to accomplish my goal! I have to see my rabbit, and it’s ok if no one else can see it!
Q. What was your Phase 1 experiment? (Did you accomplish the inconsequential goal?)
Yes I wanted to receive $100 that week and I knew that it would come. I didn’t know where it would come from, but I was watching and waiting and pushing away doubt concerning it. At the end of the week I didn’t notice it but when I looked back on the week I remembered that I had gotten a new client in my business that week and I received $100 for the first month of coaching!
Q. Describe your experience with the “Inconsequential goal”:
I decided that I wanted to think about receiving $100 by the end of the week.
Because of all that I have learned from this amazing class, I knew that I needed to picture it in my mind and feel grateful for it as if I had already received it. I really did feel like it was on its way!
I thought that it would most likely come as a check in the mail from wherever it was. I checked the mail every day and it never came, but I was able to just become more curious about it.
At the end of the week when I still never received a check, I thought back over my week to see if I might have missed something. Because I now know that the things we are looking for often come in unexpected ways, I opened my mind to reviewing everything that had happened the last few days and I remembered a message that I had gotten from a lady who was part of my free Facebook group that I have for my health coaching business. She was curious about my group weight loss class and when I visited with her on the phone she ended up signing up! The monthly fee for my class is $100!!
I was so excited when I thought about this! I not only received the $100 that I was looking for, but it will continue to be $100 every month for as long as she is in the class! I am so grateful to be learning about all of these laws of thought and about how to have gratitude for blessings that are on their way and to be able to see all the abundance that continually comes into my life!!
Q. How effective were you at being able to think truth in spite of appearances in assignment/lesson 18?
I went really well! I was afraid of setting a goal for my weight to be 130. I was full of doubt and fear about it and wondered if it was even possible for me. I had weighed 130 for years after learning how my body likes to eat and exercise and felt really healthy and confident at that weight.
I gained 10 pounds during the first few months of the pandemic and I know it was the scarcity mindset that I was in. I was constantly thinking about food and toilet paper!
I lost 5 pounds but the last 5 seemed stuck like glue and I started to wonder if it was possible for me or of I should just be happy with my new reality.
After lesson 18 I decided that it was just doubt and fear that were holding me back and I could accomplish anything that I wanted to and that 130 is actually a healthy weight for me.
I got really curious about my eating and made some specific goals. I believed that if I did those things then I would get the outcome that I desired which was to finally release the last 5 pounds that I have been hanging on to.
I decided to stop weighing myself because it was not a true indicator of where I was at with my success because it can be so variable depending on excess water and hormones so I just believed that I was releasing the weight and watched it coming off in my mind.
I stopped stressing out about my weight and focusing on it so much. … the weight is coming off. I feel lighter, slimmer and more confident! … whatever the scale says, my mind [does] not have drama about it! I feel like I am at my natural weight. I feel successful and I am so grateful!
Q. What was your goal or intention for the Phase 2 experiment?
To create a 6 week “Abundant Health” challenge to help my clients understand that the healthy, vibrant and energetic version of themselves is already inside of them and wants to be found.
[To accomplish this,] I am making videos for each week that will inspire my clients clients to look at themselves with their spiritual eyes, with compassion, love and non-judgement so that they can easily attain and maintain their natural weight.
I am making spreadsheets so they can track their progress and experience success all along the way. I am starting my current clients on this challenge on Monday April 12, 2021 and I will start advertising it on FB 2 weeks after that on Monday April 26, 2021. I am so excited !!
My hope is that by spreading the word of this challenge through my public FB group and sharing it in other groups, I can help the people who I am meant to serve easily find me.
Q. Describe your experience?
I introduced my current clients to the challenge in our group class and they are all really excited to be starting…!
This is how she reported about it in our group:
Hi everyone! I just finished the Mindset Mastery guided course! It was life changing! I loved my classmates and I learned so much from each of them!
I wanted to share my “End of the Course Goal” Which I feel is a 9 in difficulty. I had another one that I had chosen … but the bite sized goal didn’t seem like a 9 when I thought about it later.
[So, it was] …to get 10 individual clients and 10 new clients in my group coaching for my health coaching practice by July. The idea came to me last week that I could create a 6 week challenge that is unlike any other challenge that I have offered to my clients before.
Instead of a “weight loss” challenge it would be an “Abundant Health” challenge that would help my clients and potential clients set goals that were more inline with the HEALTH that they WANT in their life instead of the WEIGHT that they want to lose.
The details of this challenge came to me this week as I was driving from Arizona to Idaho with my husband to help our son and daughter-in-law move up there for school. I had a lot of time in a car with a notebook and pen and it was so nice! My sweet husband had many hours of silence that he chose not to even listen to the radio so that I could concentrate on what I was doing!
I still have a lot of work to do to get all the details from my notes on to my computer and make instructional videos for each week of the challenge to post in my private FB group to teach and encourage the participants. I will also need to make the spreadsheets for the participants to track their success. I am going to start with my current clients and then open it up to my public FB group. I know that this is something that I can focus on and accomplish in the next few weeks!
There are a lot of details that I have yet to figure out, but so much of it has come so easily to my mind that I have no doubt that the rest will follow when I am ready to receive it!
I am so grateful for the help and inspiration that I have received so far in creating this challenge and in this whole process. I know that I was supposed to take this course and meet so many amazing people and continue to learn all of these incredible laws!
I know that the Lord is guiding and helping me and will continue to do so as long as I am willing to listen and move my feet!
Q. How did it all turn out?
[Like I said…] I wanted to have 10 new clients in my Weight Loss coaching practice by July 10th. Back when I set this goal I was concentrating on the amazing clients that I already had, and on my family, and this course that I was taking, and I wasn’t doing much in the way of marketing other than posting regularly in my Coaching FB group.
I knew that getting 10 new clients was possible but I didn’t know how it would happen or where they would come from. I didn’t know where to find them. I just kept putting my message out there in my group and listening for what else I was supposed to do.
I felt impressed to reach out to a medical Dr. in our community who had previously asked my about my coaching practice, and who had expressed some interest in possible collaboration to help her patients that she wished she had more time to individually help with their weight loss journey.
I dropped off some business cards that she had asked for along with a letter asking if there was a time that we could get together to brainstorm the idea. I offered her a couple of possible times.
I didn’t hear back from her for several weeks. During that time one of my clients who is also a patient at her clinic but has a different Dr. went in for an exam and the Dr. was impressed that she had lost over 60 pounds and her health was much improved.
The Dr. asked what she had been doing and when she told her about the health coaching, the Dr. asked for my number! When my client told me about this I knew that I needed to reach out again to this office to see if there was some way that we could help each other.
Again it took several weeks to hear back from them but they finally send me an email through the patient portal that said they had discussed the idea with the other Drs in the practice and they all wanted to meet with me to find out a little bit more about what my program is like and if they thought it would be helpful for their patients.
I was very excited to talk to them but my doubts and fears also started to creep in. I really wasn’t even thinking about my Intentional goal because at the rate this was going I was thinking that if something did come from this, it would be a really long time.
Then on July 1st I had a Drs. appointment and I had a chance to speak to my Dr. in person and she apologized for the delay in meeting with me and the other Drs, she said that they had been so busy this summer but they were really interested. She let me explain my program and the classes that I taught.
She said that she could think of 10 patients off the top of her head that could really benefit from the program that I described to her, and she offered for me to start teaching classes in person in their clinic.
When she said the number 10, I remembered my intentional goal! I got really excited and then she asked, “How many people do you like to have it your classes?” and I said, “Ten is perfect! I like to keep them small and then when we get more interest we can start a new class!”
She told me that with the patients coming to the clinic and checking in with the Drs. to check their weight and blood pressure that most insurance companies would cover the classes and I would just get paid by the clinic!
I was just thinking that there might be a possibility of getting some referrals from the clinic. I never thought that I could work out of their office and that insurance companies might pay for coaching because I don’t have a nutrition degree.
When I asked her about this she assured me that my Health coaching and Precision Nutrition certificates would be enough, since the patients would be checking in each time with the Drs.
I guess technically I don’t have 10 new clients yet, but it’s not July 10th yet either! I know it could take longer than that, but I am now confident that they are on their way from wherever they are now!
I love knowing these laws and learning about rare faith and how it works! I love how we don’t need to know the HOW, we just need to know what we want, ask in faith and be willing to move our feet to act on promptings that come! I recognized the promptings because they aligned with my goal.
Because of the Mindset Mastery class I was able to recognize my doubts and fears and know where they were coming from and not let them hold me back. Even when it was scary I was able to see each next step and break through my terror barriers.
I am excited to see how this all ends up, but I already know that it will work out for the greatest good for me and my family and my future clients. I also know that the Lord is in charge of the creative details and I am so grateful because His plan is always WAY better than the one that I can see!
Q. What would you tell someone who is facing their fear right now?
I would tell them that if what they are wanting makes sense in their mind and in their heart they can expect it to feel uncomfortable in their body. The anxiety that they are feeling is the the conflicting vibrations between their old programming of “I can’t do this” and their new idea of “this is possible for me.”
This anxiety is a good sign that what they are wanting has made it past the filter and into their subconscious mind and started to form a vibration and will attract all they need to accomplish their goal.
I would tell them that faith and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time and that if we focus on what we are wanting and how that will feel to accomplish our goal, we will start to relax our doubts and fears and our faith will guide our actions while we keep moving our feet and following promptings as they come to us.
I would also teach them about the law of perpetual transmutation and explain that when an idea makes it to our subconscious and we form an emotion around it we start creating it spiritually in our mind and it is only a matter of time before it comes into physical existence.
Q. Any final, last words?
I wish I could give this course 10 stars!! It was exactly what I was looking for to help me overcome my doubts and fears in moving forward with my goals in my business!
I loved the guided course because it kept me going and challenged me to complete the lessons so that I could learn more from the group discussions. I learned so much from the insights of my class members and the amazing facilitators that answered my questions and encouraged me all along the way!
The laws of success that are taught in this course will change your life! They will help you to face the challenges of life with faith instead of fear and if you are all in with the lessons and the course work you will learn how to dream bigger and accomplish more than you ever thought was possible in your life!
I can’t recommend it enough. I have taken other courses that seemed similar to this and cost much more, but this one was by far the most impactful!
Well done, Christy, and congratulations!
To learn more about Christy and what she’s up to, visit Sustainable Weight Loss with Christy Lee.
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- The Rare Faith Book – Part 2 - December 24, 2024
- The Reason – a new twist on the seatbelt story - December 20, 2024
- Trusting in the Master Plan - December 13, 2024
One Response
I loved reading this. I have wanted to do this course for so long but in my currency I just don’t have an extra R2800 ($197). I have gained weight over the last few years and I feel horrible about myself now. Back to Jackrabbit Factor and Hidden Treasures to see how I can shake this weight.