Meet Patricia Hansen.
Patricia had been studying and applying universal laws for years before joining the Guided Mindset Mastery program. The skills she brought with her into Rare Faith enhanced the experience she had, and I am pleased to honor her and present her as a Mindset Mastery graduate!
As with all of our graduates, I had a few questions:
Q. What was your experience with the Phase 1 experiment? (The “inconsequential goal”)
My goal was to see A Butterfly, A Lady Bug and A Heart Shape. I was a tiny bit discouraged when I didn’t see one of these the first day. I really thought these would come quickly, as we have a large yard and garden, but had not yet seen any butterflies or ladybugs for the season. I set my goal after class on Thursday and noted in my journal, on Friday, how grateful I was able to see all 3 of these. Usually things like this happen pretty quick for me. I was not super specific in the way I wanted them to show up, but I just “assumed” they would be live.
Notice here how she recognizes that she was not “specific”? She set an intention, but was not completely clear on exactly what it was she desired. She “assumed.” Let’s see what happened…..
I was disappointed on Friday evening and Saturday they had not shown up. I calmed myself and refocused my intention, then forgot about it.
She experienced disappointment, but did not dwell on it. She chose to refocus, and then forget about the intention. AKA….she let go.
That night we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner with my daughter and her husband. After dinner, my daughter started looking at all of the adorable baby clothes. I started looking as well. We were oohing and ahhing over all of the cute little dresses. I picked up a darling little sun dress and as I was hanging it back up, I yanked it back out! It was COVERED with Butterflies! I was Shocked! I never expected it to show up THAT way! I turned to my husband and, with joyful tears welling up, I showed him! My daughter thought I had lost my noodle!
Then, while cleaning up the spare room for my daughter and her sweetie to stay in, I picked up a pile of beanie babies on the bed…and can you guess what was in the pile? A Ladybug Beanie Baby!!! Really! My heart was truly full! I expressed gratitude for both!
The heart shape was a few days later. My Grands were at our home for family dinner and the 3 little girls went missing! They were in my bathroom with a rock jar, from my dresser, spilled on the floor. I shuffled them out with instructions that they must ask before getting into Nanna’s things. As I was cleaning up the rocks, I found 3 heart shaped stones I had completely forgotten I had in there!
All 3 [goals] were achieved within a week’s time! The lesson I learned is that things don’t always show up like I expect! I need to be more open to possibilities and not so rigid in my expectations. This lesson has helped with the other goals I have achieved, or are working toward. Keeping my mind away from negative stories or thoughts was a big part of this process.
Excellent, Patricia! Notice she expressed gratitude for each of the goals that were achieved, while simultaneously recognizing that they did not show up exactly as she had thought they would, and that sometimes her own rigid expectations limit her. She consciously reminded herself to not assign negative meaning to her “story.” (To experience immediate, measurable results from rejecting negative thoughts, join us in Genius Bootcamp!)
Q. What was your bite-sized Phase 2 “difficult, meaningful, or important” goal?
My Short Term goal has to do with creating more peace, connection and fun. I wrote:
I am SO Thankful we have been able to get our pool up quickly and that Father has helped us find answers to the challenges we have faced! (I JUST saw, in this statement, why we faced so many “challenges”!!! Ahhh! I totally did not catch that wording before. LOL!) We have worked hard and all that effort has paid off in BIG ways! (again! I see why parts were “hard”! Shoot!)
Patricia notices here how her own use of words created exactly what she received. Not just the realization of her goal, but also the challenges and hard work that she wrote would be involved. Excellent catch! She added:
It is AMAZING and looks SO beautiful and it fits perfectly in our yard! We have been blessed with Everything we have needed, at the time we have needed it and have received help, both seen and unseen to create a Beautiful Place for family and friends to gather, connect and have Fun! I am SO grateful the pool has been Strong and has worked so well all season!
I am thrilled with the space we have and for the beautiful cover we found to keep the water clean and sparkling fresh! The grands LOVED the idea of glow sticks at the bottom of the pool and our night swims! It added a whole new level of fun! Everyone had SO much fun! Our July pool party was a Brilliant Success and the adults really enjoyed watching the kids laugh and play, both in and out of the pool!
My heart is SO happy that Mattie had the opportunities to have his friends over for pool parties! I loved that we were able to host them at our home and I really enjoyed getting to know his friends better in a safe environment! My heart is Filled with Gratitude for our Beautiful Pool!…..
Patricia did an excellent job here of not only describing what she wanted in detail, but also adding in the emotion of how she wanted to feel. The emotion is where the real “magic” is. So…
Q. What happened?
Our pool was filled, all ready to go! Pump and filter ready, chlorine setting…I was SO happy!! Then, very casually, my sweetie said, “You’ll never guess what I did.” (Mind you, it was about 1:00pm) “I left the water running on your flowers this morning. Now we have a window well full of water.”
When I tell you there was very little emotion and not a speck of worry, that would be an understatement.” He totally was just going about his business…..So I smiled…”Really…” and walked to the window well. At which point, I could SEE a waterfall running off of the INSIDE windowsill!!
I RAN to the guest room, in the basement and sure enough! I started barking commands! It was a bit intense for a few minutes. It took us the rest of the day to just suck the water out. Him with the shop vac on the window well and me with the carpet cleaner and rainbow vacuum on the inside. We pulled the carpet, as much as possible, (There is a king waterbed in the room) and have been drying it out since Friday. Back story…my former and I owned 3 ChemDry franchises, both in UT and in Craig, CO…so I kinda know carpet enough to know you have about a 3 day window before things start to grow….
This morning, (being Monday) I woke up with the thought to go check a box behind the door, in the bedroom. It was not the main flood wall and was under a dresser, so we didn’t even think to move it. Sure enough…damp!
I have now moved all of the items on Both sides of that wall! I am not sure what made me think a wall would stop the water…but it never crossed my mind. As I did, probably for the first time ever….or at least for a very long time, I did NOT panic, or even feel a negative emotion. (I was always good at hiding it even when I felt it.)
While everyone slept, I calmly moved everything, pulled the carpet, reminding myself that my brother used to lay carpet and could help us…and looked for air mover rentals. (All our available fans are being used.) When I told my sweetie, I was calm, and consequently, he was not upset. I remember having a thought, “So…I can let this ruin our pool party tomorrow, or I can take care of what I can and put it out of my mind, and enjoy what we have worked to create!”
I chose the latter. I see this as a huge shift! I may not always handle it as well, or I may handle it even better next time, but I have made a shift, and will continue to shift! LOL! I think I am going to print this for my journal!
She CHOSE to not let this mishap ruin the pool party. It would be very easy to allow that kind of setback to knock the joy out of the goal, but Patricia CHOSE to enjoy what she created. And in choosing, she recognized a “huge shift.” The meaning we choose to assign to situations has a great effect on how we feel, AND our ultimate outcomes.
Q. What was your experience facing a fear from assignment/lesson 18? How effective were you at being able to think truth in spite of appearances?
Funny, I have used similar principles for years. I really developed many skills during the last 5 years of my marriage. I have pondered on the terror barriers I broke through, instinctively, not aware that was even a real thing. When I started to learn and apply certain principles, I was able to see more clearly. Honestly, when I got to this assignment, I had to ponder what I really fear now. What I wrote about was our current finances.
The past 3.5 years of my life have been almost sheer bliss, financially speaking. Not that I have millions at my disposal, but, my sweetie was pretty financially secure and, unlike my former life, I was able to buy things free from guilt or shame!
This was SO HUGE for me! I almost was like a kid in the candy store, and we have made some good improvements to our home and life. Then….in January we were hit with a huge blow!
The way we had taken the money out of our investments had been incorrect. Neither of us knew, and our “financial guy” was not calling us back, so we just “did”. Come tax time, we had created a real mess! Then we found out that the way Steven’s life insurance policy was set up was not correct and instead of activating the income earning part, it had been left as just a regular life insurance policy. (I totally don’t know all the lingo! LOL!)
At any rate, we had to restructure that. Then we found out that the other IUL’s were set with companies that, at the time, were good, income producing companies, but were now draining us. Just last year we had taken a huge hit!
Lessons we learned were to find a new adviser, that Steven needed to be more hands on and learn his accounts and that we needed to watch things more carefully. All of this led me to trigger into the “panic” I used to feel! I went into a sort of panic mode to “fix” it by making money, and feelings of guilt that I had not followed through on the income ideas I was supposed to have already had underway!
Some of this happened about this time, so my “worse case scenario” was, what if we lost everything? What if I could do nothing to help us financially, our investments went belly up, the government took all our gold and silver and we lost Steven’s SSI?
I realized, in my writing, that we would not actually lose everything. We own our home, we have a garden and greenhouse, we have food storage and other commodities and funds on hand. We have a solar system and back up capable of putting us off the grid.
We have each other, our eternal love and are capable of doing hard things! I realized that our family would probably be coming here and by pooling our resources, we could take care of the whole. And even if I couldn’t bring in income, I could trade services with others for things we may need. We would still be surrounded by love and joy within our family!
These truths came pretty quickly, once I started writing (which I have also done for years. Process through writing) I felt peace and it was no longer in fear.
The list of unexpected financial setbacks here is long. Recognizing she had gone into panic mode, Patricia settled her subconscious by telling it what she would do if they lost everything, demonstrating how quickly her mindset shifted out of fear and back into peace by doing this. Well done!
Q. Did you experience a Terror Barrier Breakthrough during the course?
My terror barrier was not giving into my own doubt, getting caught up in the, “fine I’ll just do it myself,” or negatively responding to the array of comments my sweetie made during the whole process.
I worked VERY hard to stay calm and gentle and kind. I lost it a few times, but quickly re-focused on the connection, fun and comfort our pool was going to bring. (My brain is telling me, now, this was not a real “terror barrier”, but it really felt like I was constantly against a wall, praying for guidance and help, and listening for my next step in the process. I saw miracles and blessings, and received comfort and peace, all along the way! Soooo…I am REJECTING that voice! LOL! Welcome to my thoughts on a play-by-play!)
Q. What would you tell someone who is facing their fear right now?
Acknowledge the fear, thank your brain, and re-focus on your ultimate goal. Increase the number of times you read your goal and record it to some epic, emotional, non-lyric music on your phone, so that if you are not able to read it, you can listen to it in your own voice!
Pray for help to stay focused and for strength to manage your thoughts. Stay open to impressions or inspiration you will receive and keep moving forward. You’ve Got This!
Yes: Acknowledge the fear, repetitive and emotional-filled goal statement, ask for the unseen help, and believe through the next right step. Sound, solid advice! Excellent work and congratulations!
In the end, Patricia had this to say about her Guided Mindset Mastery experience.
I have seriously loved this course! Of all the trainings and classes I have participated in, this has been my Favorite! Why? I think, because it has been more hands-on. I have loved the assignments and reading (or listening) and I have loved actually putting what I was learning into action!
I also love that I can go back and review the reading any time, during the course. I honestly have felt a shift in my whole being, toward deeper faith and a deeper understanding of how and why I am truly able to attract ANYTHING I desire! It encouraged me to simplify and find, at my core, what I truly desire in my life. Then I learned the universal principles and laws, set in place, for me to achieve these. It is like I have had an almost completed puzzle, but I was missing a few key pieces to make it all hold together.
I have also realized that I have been unconsciously, haphazardly, using the Laws of Abundance, unknowingly, for almost my whole life! Seriously! My whole life! I have been VERY successful in attracting both Good AND Bad, using these laws…and not really understanding why things were working like they were.
My brain loves the “why” question and this class has answered them! Finally there is peace in my mind, because the answers are there, already set and ready to access. I’m not sure I can completely put into words how this has changed, but I feel it. I am no longer “throwing mud at a wall”.
I have dependable and consistent laws to intentionally follow to “hit the target” every time. And if I have done All I Can Do and have applied all of the applicable laws, and it does not work as I desire, I no longer need to feel like a “failure”. I can surrender, knowing, honestly, this has been “perfect for my learning and growth”. I can move forward with a Clear understanding that Father in Heaven has something else in the works! I actually have a deeper Gratitude for All things! Thank you Leslie! I am going to purchase the extra 6 month access.
Thank you for sharing your experience Patricia! You did a fantastic job!
(Click here if you would like to experience a facilitator-led, group Guided Mindset Mastery Class for yourself. Life-changing!)
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