AP Chemistry and Forest Fires
Here’s another throwback to when we were dealing with the effects of the Great Recession: This is the third installment of my personal exposé
Here’s another throwback to when we were dealing with the effects of the Great Recession: This is the third installment of my personal exposé
Feb 4, 2012 What began as a repository of thinking tips, this blog of mine is now becoming a catch-all for many more thoughts
I have mixed emotions right now – thought I’d write to try and sort it all out. I’m going to be working with a woman soon to help her with her book as part of my Profitable Author Coaching program, and in preparation for my first call with her, I’ve been reading her blog. I’m a little concerned that this may be one especially difficult project for me, because as much as I look forward to helping her achieve her goals, the topic is tough. She lost her 16 year-old son to a heart disease less than 2 years ago, and her book and her blog is all about going through the grieving process and coming out on the other end okay.
This is a fun throwback to when my sister (Valerie Ackley), who wrote the children’s book, “What are You Thinking?” was featured in the
Throwback to my experience with the Great Recession: I didn’t think it would take me this long to get back to the story of
Here’s a throwback post from 2011: It’s after 2 in the morning and I’m still wide awake – just read my sister’s blog and I’m
I received an email the other day that was SO appreciated; here’s why: Even though I may have “written the book” on it, I still have to learn and re-learn the principles over and over again. (Yes, it’s true.) This is why: When I stop practicing them, I begin to doubt them. When I decide to apply myself to them again, I have to get back to that innocent, child-like faith – and it’s not always so easy to do. So to hear a story like this (below) helps me remember to keep it simple, and just trust. I hope that my sharing it with you will do the same for you: “Hi Leslie, Thanks so much for all of this amazing stuff. You probably hear stories like the
“There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—And when we obtain any
I don’t know her real name; she went by “Cinnamon.” She was a red-headed freckle-faced camp counselor when I was only twelve. Our days
Do you have an idea spinning inside your brain, but wonder if it could ever really make any money? You’re not alone. Thousands of folks have done it – really turned their ideas into cash. But it’s kind of a miracle, right? I mean, these folks just got lucky breaks. Surely. Trust Your Heart: Turn Your Ideas into Income, the new book from IdeaMarketers.com showcases 19 very different individuals who once sat in the same spot you are. Wanting to develop an idea and market it, but just wondering how. The publisher, Marnie Pehrson, called to ask if I would write a chapter for her book some time ago. My chapter is called “Confessions of
Even a laundry room catastrophe can teach a valuable life lesson. When my oldest son was seventeen, he was given the assignment to do
Too often, we decide what is possible based only on the visible, known facts. But God loves to show what is truly possible when
De-clutter your life to recognize the subtle, inspired indicators that lead you to success. A few years ago, my husband and I took our
One morning, my husband and I slept in a bit, because the day before had been so jam-packed with preparations for an event we
I just stumbled onto this old file and thought it may be of use to someone – so I’m posting it here. It’s a transcript of a chat I conducted way back in 2002: “Leaning on the Lord in a Financial Crisis” with Leslie Householder – Chat held at the SheLovesGod Virtual Women’s Conference Oct. 16, 2002 [Leslie] While we are waiting to get underway, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Leslie Householder, and I will be conducting this chat with Marnie Pehrson today. We’re glad you stopped by… [Leslie] I have found in my own life during the last few years a few things that has helped me tremendously with my faith and hope
Are you a Mom who helps with the family finances? Do you feel guilty for not being 100% attentive to your children? That’s how
Long before Garrett became my co-author for Portal to Genius, I burned out on my business and just wanted to focus on my family.
Trust your instinct. Listen to it and follow it. You are your own best adviser. As described in The Jackrabbit Factor and more completely
Here’s another throwback to when we were dealing with the effects of the Great Recession: This is the third installment of my personal exposé
Feb 4, 2012 What began as a repository of thinking tips, this blog of mine is now becoming a catch-all for many more thoughts
I have mixed emotions right now – thought I’d write to try and sort it all out. I’m going to be working with a woman soon to help her with her book as part of my Profitable Author Coaching program, and in preparation for my first call with her, I’ve been reading her blog. I’m a little concerned that this may be one especially difficult project for me, because as much as I look forward to helping her achieve her goals, the topic is tough. She lost her 16 year-old son to a heart disease less than 2 years ago, and her book and her blog is all about going through the grieving process and coming out on the other end okay.
This is a fun throwback to when my sister (Valerie Ackley), who wrote the children’s book, “What are You Thinking?” was featured in the
Throwback to my experience with the Great Recession: I didn’t think it would take me this long to get back to the story of
Here’s a throwback post from 2011: It’s after 2 in the morning and I’m still wide awake – just read my sister’s blog and I’m
I received an email the other day that was SO appreciated; here’s why: Even though I may have “written the book” on it, I still have to learn and re-learn the principles over and over again. (Yes, it’s true.) This is why: When I stop practicing them, I begin to doubt them. When I decide to apply myself to them again, I have to get back to that innocent, child-like faith – and it’s not always so easy to do. So to hear a story like this (below) helps me remember to keep it simple, and just trust. I hope that my sharing it with you will do the same for you: “Hi Leslie, Thanks so much for all of this amazing stuff. You probably hear stories like the
“There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—And when we obtain any
I don’t know her real name; she went by “Cinnamon.” She was a red-headed freckle-faced camp counselor when I was only twelve. Our days
Do you have an idea spinning inside your brain, but wonder if it could ever really make any money? You’re not alone. Thousands of folks have done it – really turned their ideas into cash. But it’s kind of a miracle, right? I mean, these folks just got lucky breaks. Surely. Trust Your Heart: Turn Your Ideas into Income, the new book from IdeaMarketers.com showcases 19 very different individuals who once sat in the same spot you are. Wanting to develop an idea and market it, but just wondering how. The publisher, Marnie Pehrson, called to ask if I would write a chapter for her book some time ago. My chapter is called “Confessions of
Even a laundry room catastrophe can teach a valuable life lesson. When my oldest son was seventeen, he was given the assignment to do
Too often, we decide what is possible based only on the visible, known facts. But God loves to show what is truly possible when
De-clutter your life to recognize the subtle, inspired indicators that lead you to success. A few years ago, my husband and I took our
One morning, my husband and I slept in a bit, because the day before had been so jam-packed with preparations for an event we
I just stumbled onto this old file and thought it may be of use to someone – so I’m posting it here. It’s a transcript of a chat I conducted way back in 2002: “Leaning on the Lord in a Financial Crisis” with Leslie Householder – Chat held at the SheLovesGod Virtual Women’s Conference Oct. 16, 2002 [Leslie] While we are waiting to get underway, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Leslie Householder, and I will be conducting this chat with Marnie Pehrson today. We’re glad you stopped by… [Leslie] I have found in my own life during the last few years a few things that has helped me tremendously with my faith and hope
Are you a Mom who helps with the family finances? Do you feel guilty for not being 100% attentive to your children? That’s how
Long before Garrett became my co-author for Portal to Genius, I burned out on my business and just wanted to focus on my family.
Trust your instinct. Listen to it and follow it. You are your own best adviser. As described in The Jackrabbit Factor and more completely
Let me help you crush every challenge, achieve every goal, and vanquish every monster under your bed:
Let me help you discover how to use the kind of faith that causes things to happen in finances, marriage, and parenting.
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