The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

By Robyn Young

Perpetual Transmutation. Let’s break it down:

Perpetual: occurring continually, continuing forever
Trans- (prefix): so or such as to change or transfer
Mutation: a significant and basic alteration

In other words, continuing and ongoing change. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that everything is coming into or moving out of a physical form. It is evident in the physical world around us, such as in the water cycle. But it also pertains to thought: those thoughts that we give time, energy, and emotion to are the thoughts that will become physically manifest in our lives.

Early in our marriage, my husband decided that he wanted to attend graduate school in another state. At the time, we owned a home. We had purchased it with a federally subsidized loan that stipulated that this home had to be our primary residence. Since we were leaving the state, that meant we had to sell. Although we planned to return after my husband’s graduate studies, we couldn’t rent the home out, or even leave it vacant for the 18 months we’d be gone. The housing market at that time was good, and homes in our area were selling, on average, in about four months. But by the time we were informed that my husband had been accepted into his graduate program, we were only two months away from the start of school. We had to sell the house faster than average. It was possible, but would it happen for us?

Back then I knew nothing of the Law of Perpetual Transmutation. I didn’t know that having a dream and believing in the realization of it as if it had already happened would actually change the circumstances around me to be favorable to my desired outcome. But as a natural law, I did not have to understand it to be subject to it. My husband and I did know, however, that if we were to accomplish this goal of selling our home, it would be because of our faith, not because we could do anything to make our home sell in a specific period of time. We did what things were in our control- we beautified the yard and the interior, and we hired a realtor to sell for us. The day we hired our realtor I actually struggled with that decision. I knew I was relinquishing control of the situation to someone who did not feel the same urgency about selling my home that I did. Mine was not the only home she was responsible to sell. I felt I had to do everything in my power for this dream to become reality, but would my agent work as hard as I would have? I remember the realization that while I could not control the situation directly, I could increase my efforts to do the things I believed God wanted me to be doing. So I increased the frequency and sincerity of my prayers. I studied the scriptures every day. I served in my church, making special efforts to do my best with the assignments I had been given. And I believed. Sometimes a negative thought would pop into my mind: “what if it doesn’t sell? Then what?” But I knew. My husband had a good job. If we couldn’t sell our home, we’d just stay. We liked our life as it was. It would be okay. But after having those thoughts, I knew, I KNEW in my gut that the house would sell. So my “negative” moments always ended with, “But it will sell.” And I knew it would.

Four weeks before we left for graduate school, we closed on the sale of our home. The entire process had taken only one month. Although I knew nothing of the laws of prosperity, I knew that the work that had happened in our minds was a key part of what had happened in our lives. And now I know that believing in the idea, holding it there, and trusting God to take care of the things I could not control was exactly what I needed to do so that our dream could manifest itself in a physical form. It was the Law of Perpetual Transmutation at work.


For more about the seven laws that govern prosperity, click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters FREE.

Robyn Young
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