Rare Faith – Battling Nay-Sayers

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Battling Nay-Sayers

Hi Reader!

Maybe you have dealt with nay-sayers and know how that can be one of the most challenging parts of achieving a goal with Rare Faith.

Denise faced this herself, but didn’t let it stop her…. Read more here…


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“My book is published! I have wanted to do this for sooooo many years, and once I joined this community in Mindset Mastery, Genius Bootcamp and Leslie’s … mentoring program [for authors] … it actually happened! Thanks so much to everyone!” Adrian Booher


“I set a goal by the end of the day to find a quarter that was tails up. I really worked on envisioning what it felt like to have the quarter in my hand and then went about my day. Throughout the day I would think about it some and it was interesting that I had to work on rejecting ideas like ‘this is a silly exercise’ or ‘this won’t work, you should have chosen something easier’. …

“At the end of the day I became distracted with work and was stressed out … and this exercise took a backseat. I did not complete my goal by the end of that day, but the next day I decided to do it again and I really was optimistic, positive and I had the thought and feeling like, ‘if other people can do this, so can I’. I really started to believe I would find a quarter tails up and I got excited about how I would share this experience with someone who is close to me.

“As I was driving down the road I thought, ‘I should try to find something like a penny or another round object in my car that I can use to get a better sense of feeling the quarter in my hand’.

“I then moved some business cards from my middle console to look for something like that. As I did so, the first thing I saw was a quarter with the tails side up. I usually never have change in my car unless it is a penny. … I really believe this works and I am excited to continue to use it in the future!” Nick S., Mindset Mastery, Genius Bootcamp, and Miracles Made Simple student

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Principles for Entrepreneurial Success (Podcast)

Learn the difference between instinct, intuition, and inspiration, and the roles they play in entrepreneurial success. Discover how to conquer your Goliaths. Find out how and when unseen help will be dispatched to your aid.

What is the role of passion for a cause? Accomplish the essential with intuition and instinct, but take it up a notch to accomplish the impossible with inspiration. When the vision is clear and the passion is strong, you’ll participate in miracles. Listen now

Reader, I hope you’ve enjoyed this issue of the Rare Faith newsletter. Stay tuned for another great read coming soon!

❤ Leslie

Leslie Householder
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