Rare Faith – Achieving the Impossible

Achieving the Impossible

Hi Reader,

We’re looking for 3 more people to join us for:

Achieving the Impossible! A year-long program with me and some of our best coaches, designed to help you make big leaps this year.

It is our deepest dive yet into the Rare Faith principles especially for a small, ambitious, dedicated group of goal achievers. It consists of 12 full months of weekly small group coaching starting Wednesday, March 30th at 4pm PT.

It’s about Overcoming Adversity, Becoming Unstoppable, and Problem solving the immediate dilemma right in front of you. You’ll get new, effective goal setting strategies and we’ll help you know the traps to avoid.

Best of all, we’ll be exploring your Mindset Quotient more deeply and give you insights (that are not available anywhere else) into how you can increase your score for measurable results in real life this year.

So if you are ready for weekly accountability in a small group coaching environment, apply now!

Learn more and apply here

That’s not possible

Too often, we decide what’s possible based only on visible, known facts. But God loves to show what is truly possible when we believe.

How many times have you looked at your circumstances, and, feeling perhaps cut off from the resources you need, hesitate to ask for something because you immediately dismiss the thought with, “that’s not possible”?

What more could be possible if we stopped looking at reason and limitations, and started opening our minds more to consider the ways that God has worked for millennia? I’m not just talking about miracles in the Bible. If He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then He is still working miracles in our day.

Here is one example. Read more here…

The Impossible House

“I moved forward anyway, acting as if it already was within the budget. I interviewed builders, selected one, and then started the process of designing the plans. Then came the engineering report, the plot plan, the lot staked, and almost to the point of getting permits.

“Then the builder came back with his cost estimates and we froze. There was NO WAY we could afford that. Not even if we sold everything we owned and lived on ramen in a tent for a year. Or several years…”

Read more here…

On the Calendar


Featured Events:

Calendar View: All Events

Partner Program Events:

* Advanced Coaching/Training:

Especially for Authors:

Join the Rare Faith Writer’s Corner where we will be hosting a FREE Webinar Series called On Point Writer’s Tips. Our first session will be March 16 on the Confidence Boosting Author Bio. Also new: Clarity Call for authors!



Achieving the Impossible course has been really amazing. I’ve learned and applied these laws and principles before, but the weekly reading and meetings take the understanding and application of them to a whole new and deeper level. … Leslie and her team have been amazing. They have so much experience to share. Leslie has an incredible way of helping you see things differently. … I am so grateful … for the opportunity to learn and apply everything on a weekly and daily basis.” – Ilija V.


“I am so grateful for this program!! … I’ve done a few of the other programs … but this has helped me see clearly the laws and how I use them (or how I wasn’t using them). Working with Leslie and her team is incredible. The love and compassion is most inspiring, aside from the example they are leading with. If you want to go beyond your current thinking and dreaming… this is the course! I’m thankful for the accountability factor and the learning that’s combined.” Jamie J., Achieving the Impossible


“I wanted to first say thank you sooooo much for allowing me to be in the ‘Achieving the Impossible‘ class! … I am learning so much and noticing so many shifts in my thinking already! This homework from week 4 was especially powerful for me! My mind was definitely stretched … So many ah-ha moments this week!!” Christy L.


Do YOU have something to say? Click here to leave feedback

LBW: The Impossible Loan (2:03)

This episode is only 2 minutes long! It’s from our LBW: “Little bit of wisdom” series – SHORT stories and quick principles extracted from the Rare Faith Podcast.
Reader, I hope you’ve enjoyed this issue of the Rare Faith newsletter. Stay tuned for another great read coming soon!

❤ Leslie

Leslie Householder
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