Lick Your Cinnamon Roll Before you Eat It

By Andrea Mabey

Have you ever imagined a hot cinnamon roll in your head and realized that you were craving it? My son John says that imagining yummy food is 85% of cooking. According to the law of Perpetual Transmutation, a cinnamon roll exists in your mind first before it comes into being as a hot sticky mess of yumminess.

We all have to cook, pay someone else to cook or starve. It’s a reality. So why is that last 15% of bringing it into reality so we can eat it so hard? Well it’s not hard to pay someone to cook it for you. When I questioned John, he gave me three limiting beliefs to which you might relate. He said it’s hard, takes too much time and he’s tired and would rather start later.

Limiting beliefs take that hot sticky mess of yumminess and put it right back into the cloud of possibilities that are determined to stay in my head. It is going to take a couple other laws to create that cinnamon roll.  First the Vacuum law which tells us that the sink is going to have to be emptied before anyone puts a bunch of new dirty dishes. So if I want a cinnamon roll, I have to make room for it first. Then the law of Gestation says that I might need patience as I get this idea rolling (no pun intended). 

John tells me that he can make anything if he has a list of ingredients and some instructions. I argue that he might still need a skill or two. I’ve made cinnamon rolls before but I had to use the skill of observation to figure out how to imitate filling in the Cinnabon roll. There is also a high fat content to the dough which makes a pastry better than a regular bread roll. Where did I learn that? Trial and error? That’s the law of Cause and Effect.

So when it comes to enjoying a hot gooey cinnamon roll, I have to be grateful that this time they didn’t burn. That’s the law of Relativity. It could always be worse. The rich cinnamon-y  smell that calls to everyone when the rolls are almost done is like the law of Vibration. It’s transferring the image of a cinnamon roll into everyone else’s brain by way of their sense of smell. By allowing yourself to feel happy about a cinnamon roll you are putting yourself in a new vibration and it won’t be long before one appears!

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