This clip from the Greatest Showman means a lot to me, because it shows the joy and wonder you can experience, no matter what your current reality may be. And as you take time to live “Your Greatest Show” on the screen of your mind, and as you feel it as though it has happening now, you set into motion unseen forces that begin to deliver everything you’ll ever need to accomplish that vision.
This has happened for me so many times in the last 18 years that I have been testing the principle, that there is no doubt in my mind that it is a true principle. You can depend on it. And the passion does not have to be constantly intense. It can be small, it can be brief. No, the key factor for all successful outcomes is not the intensity of the vision as much as it is having ZERO DOUBT.
For more on this topic, watch the Visual Aid that Changed Everything video (free!)
To listen to my youth keynote on this topic, click here.
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One Response
I love the way this movie captures that feeling on so many levels — the zero-doubt, it’s-gonna-be-great, spark that ignites creation. It helps that a lot of the production of The Greatest Showman was made with that same kind of “people are going to love this, it’s going to be great” faith. The backstory is marvelous!
I love the way that presentation of yours (“The Visual Aid That Changed Everything“) diagrams exactly how and why it works. I was actually surprised at how much it resonated with me and “clicked.” I guess I had a similar “been there, heard that, a hundred times over” mentality. It’s so fun when it sinks through to a new layer!