Be part of the miracle tonight


This starts tonight!

Life is really hard for a lot of people right now. And I’m not just talking about people feeling down-and-out. I’m talking about people who have unmet needs, unfulfilled desires, people who may not even appear to be struggling.

Maybe you’re one of them, or maybe this describes someone you know.

Without going into the details, my team is in the middle of witnessing a miracle unfold, and you could be a part of it.

For now, here’s what I can tell you:

There is a RARE opportunity to spend part, or all of a virtual weekend with one of the wisest, most impactful Rare Faith mentors I’ve ever had the privilege to know – Ann Ferguson – and it starts tonight.

Ann is our Facilitator Program director, so she does not open up classes to the public very often. When she does, it typically costs thousands of dollars to get trained by her, but she’s dedicating THIS weekend to anyone who could use a little help with their mental, emotional, or spiritual wellness.

It’s called the “Leaning In – LIVE Online Workshops”, and they’re only $35 each (or you can join all four for only $98)

The four sessions will address these topics:

  • MIND – Leaning into Joy – Thu, Apr 28 @ 5pm PT / 8pm ET
  • HEART – Barriers vs Boundaries – Fri, Apr 29 @ 9am PT / 12pm ET
  • SPIRIT – Connecting to YOUR God – Fri, Apr 29 @ 5pm PT / 8p pm ET
  • LIFE – Expectation vs Anticipation – Sat, Apr 30 @ 10am PT / 1pm ET
So if you could use a boost, if you’re feeling discouraged, uncertain, weary, or just want to learn some things that can have an epic impact on your life or the lives of those you care about, DON’T MISS THIS…
Choose your classes here
Those who join the ALL IN package (all four classes) will get a discounted rate AND access to the replays.

To your success and increased capacity for JOY,


PS. Already signed up? Send this to a friend!

Profile Image Leslie Householder
Author, speaker, and curator of true, inspiring success stories
This is a between-issues update of the Rare Faith Newsletter. If you would like to be removed from my list:

Thoughts Alive LLC
19159 E Macaw Dr
Queen Creek, Arizona 85142
United States


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