Twylla-Dawn Davis has been masterfully using Rare Faith principles to co-create with God. It has been a joy to be a part of her journey. She is a courageous and powerful visualizer who is getting things done and is positioning herself to be a powerful force for change.
Meet Twylla-Dawn Davis: Mindset Mastery Honors Graduate.
Here is her Phase 1 inconsequential goal experience her own words:
I currently live in Montana and my Phase 1 goal took place in the middle of winter. I love classic cars and hot rods, so I decided I wanted to see a blue classic Mustang, in the middle of a Montana winter. After half-heartedly making this my goal, I forgot about it. It wasn’t until the VIP dinner during Genius Bootcamp in February, whilst discussing inconsequential goals during dinner, that I realized I achieved the goal! haha In mid-January, I went to someone’s house to pick up an item I was purchasing which was posted to Facebook Marketplace. It was an unseasonably warm and mild winter in Montana and at the house was a blue 1966 Mustang coupe, sitting there so beautifully in the driveway. *swoon*
I loved how she was so intentionally aligned with the Mustang that it showed up without any fuss. I have found that when I do the Mindset Mastery process and then let go, many times, there isn’t much more to do. Other times there is a need for inspired and consistent effort. She explains what this inspired and constant effort looked like for her, as she worked on her Phase 2 goal. She relates:
My Phase 2 goal consisted of completing numerous certifications so I could effectively start my Holistic Health & Wellness Mentoring business. I needed to complete 2 of the items by the end of my Mindset Mastery course completion date. I was having some frustrations with figuring out how to complete them on time, plus still spending quality time with my family and helping my eldest son with some legal proceedings. It seemed to me to be a challenge. [But] after I set my bite-sized goal, I was able to have plenty of quality family time, completed my Mindset Mastery course a week early, helped my son with his legal prep work, and although I did not complete one of my certifications by my phase 2 goal date, I was able to accomplish it 2 weeks later.
Even with its delayed completion, Twylla’s results certainly counted as a win because it’s less about “when” the goal is accomplished, and more about allowing it to show up “fully formed”. Sometimes the law of gestation takes a little longer than we think, and that’s okay. All that she set out to do was accomplished at exactly the right time. Like a woman expecting a baby, we don’t want our dream to come too soon. We want the baby, not the embryo.
So let’s talk about that piece for a minute.
We choose a date to help us focus. A “due date” gives us a target by when to have the nursery ready. But if we are too locked on to that date, we can get discouraged, which, at least when it comes to goal achievement, is something we must manage if we don’t want to disrupt the creative process, and unintentionally cause the thing that is almost fully formed to start to moving out of physical form again.
Remember, it’s only in the last stage of the process that we finally see any visible evidence of our thought-effort. We must maintain hope and joyful expectation for the entire duration of the creative process. That’s not to say we won’t have moments of concern or frustration, but we can turn those moments around by recognizing them, allowing ourselves to feel it all – even disappointment or frustration – WITH the conscious choice to believe that everything is still coming together in spite of our feelings, and an intention to recalibrate our mindset as soon as we’re ready to get ourselves back on track. The process is merciful if you rely on God to hold things together while you have a human experience. These ups and downs are part of the natural rhythm of life, and they do not ruin the process unless you believe they do.
Do you see how your belief is a critical factor in the process, and how you can choose to believe even when it doesn’t make sense to do so?
When asked about her experience with facing the terror barrier, Twylla had an interesting response. She learned to be aware of what she is feeling and to watch her thoughts. She learned that terror barriers can be not just manageable, but exciting. She explains:
I did not feel ‘anxiety’, ‘fear’, ‘scared’, or other similar feelings. I do not entertain those feelings. During this course, I did have excitement, anticipation, and wonderment to discover how God would bring about the goals I co-created with Him. There was some Rare Faith needed to accomplish my Phase 2 goal because I just could not figure out how on earth I was going to accomplish it.
That being said, I most certainly experienced some terror barriers even before starting this course, as my family and I took many HUGE leaps of Rare Faith…
When asked to evaluate and describe the outcome of her experience of facing a fear from assignment 18, she said:
I chose to write a goal statement for module 18. Before I wrote the goal statement, I had some negative thoughts and concerns…. After I wrote the goal statement, I noticed my thoughts had changed over time to be more positive and I didn’t stress or worry about this fear much anymore.
I do occasionally experience thoughts of concern and “how do I do…”, “how can I do such and such…”, “what about…”. [But] I have come to quickly dismiss these thoughts, replacing them with faith, knowing it’s not my place to worry about ‘the how’. I know God will reveal the ‘how’ when I need to know it, and He will guide me to the right circumstances/people to accomplish what needs to be done.
What a beautiful example of conscious thinking. Our conscious mind has the ability to accept or reject ideas. We get to choose what we think, and those thoughts have an effect on whether the things we need will be coming into physical form or out of form. Twylla-Dawn really applied the truth that she can decide what thoughts to entertain, and which ones to dismiss if they are not useful in her life.
This practice keeps her aligned with what she truly wants. When we practice watching our thoughts and only accept those that bring what we want into physical form, we build muscle memory around faith, belief, and witnessing its effects directly and intentionally. When practiced enough it can become second nature.
Twylla-Dawn, I’m impressed with the way you flowed so beautifully within the laws of vibration, rhythm, and gestation. You showed how to extend grace to yourself throughout each process along the way. Thank you for your example!
What is YOUR story going to be?
In the Mindset Mastery program, students are instructed on the laws and principles that activate unseen help. That unseen help orchestrates resources, connections, and/or impressions that nudge the students toward all they need to realize their goal. In Phase 1, they practice what they’ve learned on an inconsequential goal – something NOT connected to anything they’re intensely concerned about. This helps them experience success without undue stress, to build the mental muscle memory they need to apply what they learn, and to then succeed with a goal of greater significance in Phase 2.
Learn more about the Mindset Mastery program HERE.
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