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To Debt or Not to Debt

One of my readers had a question about the wisdom or insanity of going into debt for training on this material. She had some real concerns. She and her husband had vowed that they would accrue no more debt. However, she really wanted to attend our facilitator training program but in order to do so, it would have to go on a card. If you’re interested in my reply, I’ve posted her question and my answer below: Question: Dear Leslie, Your seminar information is so compelling that I can’t stop thinking about it! I read the email you sent with further information and was also intrigued, but my face fell when I read the price. Not that

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Principles of Prosperity in Action

One of my subscribers recently shared an experience that brought tears to my eyes. She writes: “I got The Jackrabbit Factor for Christmas last year and read it to myself and then to my husband. He shared it with a friend and now they talk rabbit talk. “My husband is a professor of Acoustics at BYU. We have 6 children, one just graduated and the youngest is 3. We have heavy student loans for all the years in school and our finances are worse than they have ever been. I have always stayed at home with the kids and have home schooled all of them up till high school. I finally got a copy of Hidden Treasures before Thanksgiving

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To Debt or Not to Debt

One of my readers had a question about the wisdom or insanity of going into debt for training on this material. She had some real concerns. She and her husband had vowed that they would accrue no more debt. However, she really wanted to attend our facilitator training program but in order to do so, it would have to go on a card. If you’re interested in my reply, I’ve posted her question and my answer below: Question: Dear Leslie, Your seminar information is so compelling that I can’t stop thinking about it! I read the email you sent with further information and was also intrigued, but my face fell when I read the price. Not that

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Principles of Prosperity in Action

One of my subscribers recently shared an experience that brought tears to my eyes. She writes: “I got The Jackrabbit Factor for Christmas last year and read it to myself and then to my husband. He shared it with a friend and now they talk rabbit talk. “My husband is a professor of Acoustics at BYU. We have 6 children, one just graduated and the youngest is 3. We have heavy student loans for all the years in school and our finances are worse than they have ever been. I have always stayed at home with the kids and have home schooled all of them up till high school. I finally got a copy of Hidden Treasures before Thanksgiving

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