Rare Faith – Finding Your Brave

& holiday sale sneak peek

Finding Your Brave

Hi Reader,

Kristen writes:

“Our farm was going bankrupt. We had the hardest winter we have ever had…. I felt an extreme responsibility to keep animals alive, keep the peace in a dysfunctional family business, and sacrifice everything I had. We lost many animals. The equipment started failing. My grandma had a stroke from the financial stress…. The pressure broke me…”

Read more here


Get Ready! Nov 25-Dec 3

Our best prices of the year have been posted!

What’s on your wish list?

Click here to see upcoming prices on the trainings YOU want!


Ever thought about teaching what you’ve learned?

Facilitator Training: Checking interest for 2023

“This was amazing! I have taken so many courses and trainings on leadership…but this one by far has been the best! … I have learned not only how to be a better leader, but how to be a better person, a better friend, a better listener. … how I can help and serve and inspire others to progress and find their own gifts and their own power within them. … Leslie knows how to train and mentor you in a way that will not only help you to learn new skills, but she teaches you in a way that will CHANGE you. … I highly recommend this!” – Alyson Porter

Click here to learn more (taking applications now through Jan 31, 2023)




Limited scholarship funds available for certain programs.
Check the Google Calendar to see ALL events.

Thinking about our Facilitator Program? Taking applications thru Jan 31.

“I’m really enjoying the self-paced online Mindset Mastery course. It is exactly what I need right now…”

“Thank you thank you so much for all you do! My mom and I have experienced many significant miracles the last few years through applying the Rare Faith principles. In fact, my Mom told me on the phone yesterday, ‘One of the reasons I bought the Mindset Mastery book was an act of gratitude to, in some way, pay Leslie back for how much I’ve benefited from all her free material.” – AJ


Do YOU have something to say? Click here to leave feedback

What will you discover next?

Hidden Treasures Class “In God We Trust” – Podcast

If you’re facing something you’ve never faced before, or something bigger than you ever thought you’d be able to conquer, you might be wondering: Why is this happening to me? How am I going to solve it? Who’s going to help?

Listen to this episode for insight and answers to these questions and more.

Reader, I hope you’ve enjoyed this issue of the Rare Faith newsletter. Stay tuned for another great read coming soon!

❤ Leslie

Leslie Householder
Latest posts by Leslie Householder (see all)

2 Responses

  1. Hi Leslie! Talk about an amazing surprise to get comments on my Brave video from your fans telling me you shared my email! I’m so glad sharing my experience with your book could make your day too. Thank you again for being such an wonderful inspiration! ❤️

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