Rare Faith – Drama Incinerated

NEW! Talk to a Human

Drama Incinerated

Hi Reader!

Maybe you’re wondering why it’s taken me so long to post an update on my journey to health. Well, during the last two rounds I’ve found myself thinking…

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Beyond Imagining and Feeling

One of our students posted a really great question in our FB group. She wrote:

Anyone know of an article that Leslie has written about how to move beyond the imagining and feeling stage into making choices to bring goals into reality? The dreaming? Easy. The detailed why? Done. Feel as if it already has happened? Yup. Multiple decisions are before me… now it’s noisy and muddy again. …

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“Dear Leslie … I absolutely loved the Jackrabbit Factor. That is what made me search for the sequel, and now I can’t wait to read it. I am very grateful for all the extras you included. Thank you! Kind regards, Izabela”

“Hope you are feeling well and today was a good day. … I so appreciate who you are and what you represent. Your faith and willingness to share your knowledge and gifts is inspirational. Best wishes, J.B.”

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What will you discover next?

Oahu Meet and Greet (Podcast)


  • When it’s important to be specific in goal setting.
  • How to experience the power of Rare Faith when you suffer with depression or anxiety.
  • How “peace” as a feeling counts for activating second level goal achievement.

Listen now

Reader, I hope you’ve enjoyed this issue of the Rare Faith newsletter. Stay tuned for another great read coming soon!

❤ Leslie

Leslie Householder
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