Rare Faith – Choosing a Goal in the middle of Chaos

NEW! Talk to a Human

Choosing a goal in the middle of chaos

Hi Reader!

One of our Guided Mindset Mastery students sent a message years ago and asked me to keep it private. But recently, she gave me permission to share it after all.

She had been battling some pretty heavy life challenges, and even though many of the challenges are behind her now, she’s not the only one to wrestle with such heavy burdens… Read more here…

Mechanics of a Miracle Replay – ends Friday!

Miracles are gifts and blessings that help us see God’s hand in our lives. They bring a rescue when we truly need a rescue. They give us genius ideas when God needs us to solve our own problems. They give us an added measure of love, patience, strength, or wisdom when a situation calls for us to be more than we are.

In this video, I’ll share some powerful information that will help you know what YOU can do to invite more miracles in your life. Replay available through tomorrow – Friday, July 21st… Watch here



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“…[S]haring your experiences…helped me relate and have courage to do my steps forward. I love you and thank you for the blessing and opportunity to grow with you…” -Diane Adams

“I’ve never felt so clear about these concepts as I do with your explanations and examples. You truly have a gift! I am very grateful for your wisdom and insights.” – Ruby

“…we will actually double our income this next year. Thank you, Leslie, for sharing these principles… THEY REALLY WORK!!! It really is a science. What excites me the most, is that because these principles really worked on everything we’ve experimented with so far, there is no limit to what we can achieve in the future!!! Thanks again!!!” – Alisa H

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What will you discover next?

Reality is not what you think (Podcast)

Throwback! This is one of my earliest interviews about my book “The Jackrabbit Factor”. If you are frustrated about the way your life is going, this episode highlights points and principles that can change your reality as quickly as you intentionally apply them. Listen now
Reader, I hope you’ve enjoyed this issue of the Rare Faith newsletter. Stay tuned for another great read coming soon!

❤ Leslie

Leslie Householder
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