Rare Faith – 1st Day of Chemo

1st day of chemo

Hi Reader,

My new journey continues, and the big 1st day is finally behind me. Anticipating how bad it might be was much worse than it actually turned out to be.

Isn’t that so often the case with the things we fear? Read more….


When things look bleak

Four years ago, I had some lofty goals, but as the target date approached, things looked bleak. It took all my energy to push aside doubtful thoughts that the changes I wanted were still possible for me.

I was plagued with questions:

  • “What if it doesn’t work out?”
  • “What if I miss my goals?”
  • “What will I do if the resources I need don’t come through?”

Each time an anxious thought came into my head, I rejected it. But rejecting it wasn’t enough to leave me with burning faith, either. Read more…




Mindset Mastery Self-Paced – start any time! View the Google Calendar here

“This is a magnificent program and has forever changed my life. Thank you for allowing me to participate.” Shelby Jarman, Achieving the Impossible student

“I was feeling overwhelmed and unfocused and wondering how to climb out of that. I have been reading and studying, trying to accomplish everything I have on my plate. This email uplifted me and helped me refocus, realizing that with His help I can do everything I need to do and help everyone I need to help. Gail Curtis on One Master

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What will you discover next?

Oahu Meet and Greet (Podcast)

Topics discussed:

  • When it’s important to be specific in goal setting.
  • How to experience the power of Rare Faith when you suffer with depression or anxiety.
  • Knowing “What’s my part?” and what Rare Faith has to do with the Passion of Christ.
  • What you should know if you’re concerned about priestcraft.
  • How “peace” as a feeling counts for activating second level goal achievement.
Reader, I hope you’ve enjoyed this issue of the Rare Faith newsletter. Stay tuned for another great read coming soon!

❤ Leslie

Leslie Householder
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