Profitable Author training – 74% off!

crazy deal!


Profitable Author Reg $249
On sale now for just $65!

Hi Reader!

Sad news.

Most authors are fortunate if they break even on their books.

Some of the best messages never get “out there” because a publisher didn’t “pick it up”.

Well, with my Profitable Author training, you can learn the secrets of becoming PROFITABLE, no matter the obstacles.

I’ll teach you what I’ve learned as a stay-at-home mom going from a novice author to an award winning, three-time, international bestselling author (both intentionally, AND organically) who has generated a six-figure income from the strategies I’ll share with you.


How I earned over 1M giving my book away for FREE!

Click below to learn more, and get started right now:

Save 74% TODAY with promo code RFHOLIDAY
Holiday prices only good on new purchases through Saturday. Tell a friend!

To your success!


PS. Want to join me for a Book Writing Retreat? Learn more and save 30% through Saturday with code RFHOLIDAY – pay plans available!

Profile Image Leslie Householder
Author, speaker, mom
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Thoughts Alive LLC
19159 E Macaw Dr
Queen Creek, Arizona 85142
United States

Leslie Householder
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