Miracles Made Simple – Applications due soon

Hi Reader,

I’m accepting applications for my 6-month Miracles Made Simple program through next Friday night, July 21st. So…

If you’ve been thinking about joining me in
the Miracles Made Simple program but have not yet
submitted your no-obligation application…

Click here to apply now

Applications due Friday, July 21

I look forward to learning about you and what you want to experience in the next six months. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

This is a no-obligation application. Scholarship funds may be available for those in need. We just want to be sure you are recommended to the right course.

I look forward to hearing from you.


❤ Leslie

PS. If you’ve already applied, disregard this message. Let me know if you’re still waiting for a response. I’m busy getting ready for the kickoff, so I apologize it’s taking me longer to get back with you than usual. Thanks for your patience!

Leslie Householder
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