A Christian’s Guide to the Law of Attraction and other New Age Philosophies
A Christian’s Guide to the Law of Attraction and other New Age Philosophies – for devout Christians who want to understand true principles without
A Christian’s Guide to the Law of Attraction and other New Age Philosophies – for devout Christians who want to understand true principles without
It’s always amazing to me how much people change through the process of completing the Mindset Mastery Program. So often, they come in feeling
This is a fun throwback to when my sister (Valerie Ackley), who wrote the children’s book, “What are You Thinking?” was featured in the
Too often, we decide what is possible based only on the visible, known facts. But God loves to show what is truly possible when
Trust your instinct. Listen to it and follow it. You are your own best adviser. As described in The Jackrabbit Factor and more completely
Years ago I received some feedback from someone I’ll call Tim. While I prefer to read nothing but glowing testimonials, the constructive comments are
A Christian’s Guide to the Law of Attraction and other New Age Philosophies – for devout Christians who want to understand true principles without
It’s always amazing to me how much people change through the process of completing the Mindset Mastery Program. So often, they come in feeling
This is a fun throwback to when my sister (Valerie Ackley), who wrote the children’s book, “What are You Thinking?” was featured in the
Too often, we decide what is possible based only on the visible, known facts. But God loves to show what is truly possible when
Trust your instinct. Listen to it and follow it. You are your own best adviser. As described in The Jackrabbit Factor and more completely
Years ago I received some feedback from someone I’ll call Tim. While I prefer to read nothing but glowing testimonials, the constructive comments are
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