Working with the Law
By Cristie Gardner Working with usually refers to “partnering with.” The LAW is created by and aligned with God: therefore, working with the Law
By Cristie Gardner Working with usually refers to “partnering with.” The LAW is created by and aligned with God: therefore, working with the Law
By Cristie Gardner A few years ago, my husband and I went down to Guatemala to visit my sister and her husband. They gave
By Cristie Gardner As a little girl, I remember how much fun it was to go to the park and play on the seesaw
By Cristie Gardner I watched in awe as our daughter gave birth to a healthy, 7 lb 10 oz baby boy, Caleb. We were
By Cristie Gardner In his book, “The Science Of Getting Rich”, author Wallace D. Wattles refers to the Law of Perpetual Transmutation. Simply put,
By Cristie Gardner Recently our little four-year-old granddaughter was trying to get her message across about something she wanted very much. It involved extra
By Cristie Gardner Albert Einstein is credited with saying that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting
By Cristie Gardner Lessons from the Covid-19 days: With all of the unexpected changes, twists and turns in our planned pathways, the pandemic we
By Cristie Gardner More lessons from the Covid-19 days: In Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2, Hamlet is speaking with Rosencrantz and complaining about Denmark,
By Cristie Gardner It began with belief, and a vision. It is easy to blame my injury for my inability to walk more than
By Cristie Gardner “Happy talk, keep a-talkin’ happy talk; Talk about things you like to do. You gotta have a dream; if you don’t
By Cristie Gardner For years, I have written my goals down: the characteristics I wanted to develop, the possessions I wanted to acquire, the
By Cristie Gardner Yesterday I watched in awe as our daughter gave birth to a healthy, 7 lb 10 oz baby boy, Caleb.
Thoughts Make the Person By Dr. Stan and Cristie Gardner Mentors in Physical Health and Personal Achievement “As a man thinketh in his heart,
By Cristie Gardner Working with usually refers to “partnering with.” The LAW is created by and aligned with God: therefore, working with the Law
By Cristie Gardner A few years ago, my husband and I went down to Guatemala to visit my sister and her husband. They gave
By Cristie Gardner As a little girl, I remember how much fun it was to go to the park and play on the seesaw
By Cristie Gardner I watched in awe as our daughter gave birth to a healthy, 7 lb 10 oz baby boy, Caleb. We were
By Cristie Gardner In his book, “The Science Of Getting Rich”, author Wallace D. Wattles refers to the Law of Perpetual Transmutation. Simply put,
By Cristie Gardner Recently our little four-year-old granddaughter was trying to get her message across about something she wanted very much. It involved extra
By Cristie Gardner Albert Einstein is credited with saying that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting
By Cristie Gardner Lessons from the Covid-19 days: With all of the unexpected changes, twists and turns in our planned pathways, the pandemic we
By Cristie Gardner More lessons from the Covid-19 days: In Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2, Hamlet is speaking with Rosencrantz and complaining about Denmark,
By Cristie Gardner It began with belief, and a vision. It is easy to blame my injury for my inability to walk more than
By Cristie Gardner “Happy talk, keep a-talkin’ happy talk; Talk about things you like to do. You gotta have a dream; if you don’t
By Cristie Gardner For years, I have written my goals down: the characteristics I wanted to develop, the possessions I wanted to acquire, the
By Cristie Gardner Yesterday I watched in awe as our daughter gave birth to a healthy, 7 lb 10 oz baby boy, Caleb.
Thoughts Make the Person By Dr. Stan and Cristie Gardner Mentors in Physical Health and Personal Achievement “As a man thinketh in his heart,
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