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Principles of Prosperity in Action

One of my subscribers recently shared an experience that brought tears to my eyes. She writes: “I got The Jackrabbit Factor for Christmas last year and read it to myself and then to my husband. He shared it with a friend and now they talk rabbit talk. “My husband is a professor of Acoustics at BYU. We have 6 children, one just graduated and the youngest is 3. We have heavy student loans for all the years in school and our finances are worse than they have ever been. I have always stayed at home with the kids and have home schooled all of them up till high school. I finally got a copy of Hidden Treasures before Thanksgiving

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Principles of Prosperity in Action

One of my subscribers recently shared an experience that brought tears to my eyes. She writes: “I got The Jackrabbit Factor for Christmas last year and read it to myself and then to my husband. He shared it with a friend and now they talk rabbit talk. “My husband is a professor of Acoustics at BYU. We have 6 children, one just graduated and the youngest is 3. We have heavy student loans for all the years in school and our finances are worse than they have ever been. I have always stayed at home with the kids and have home schooled all of them up till high school. I finally got a copy of Hidden Treasures before Thanksgiving

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