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Gurus are Human

I received an email this week that spawned an interesting conversation. I’ll share it here. Hector wrote: How are your teachings different from all the dozens of gurus advertising out there? I’m genuinely confused by inconsistencies from the gurus. For example, Wattles wrote books about health and riches and then he died at 53, lost his bid for public office and to my knowledge he was still scrambling economically. The author of Science of Miracles, Max Long Freedom committed suicide due to leg cancer while his group was in disarray and his wife left him. Arthur Ray is in jail. I honestly would like to

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Gurus are Human

I received an email this week that spawned an interesting conversation. I’ll share it here. Hector wrote: How are your teachings different from all the dozens of gurus advertising out there? I’m genuinely confused by inconsistencies from the gurus. For example, Wattles wrote books about health and riches and then he died at 53, lost his bid for public office and to my knowledge he was still scrambling economically. The author of Science of Miracles, Max Long Freedom committed suicide due to leg cancer while his group was in disarray and his wife left him. Arthur Ray is in jail. I honestly would like to

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