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Wake up Again

(This article is a continuation of the post titled, “Who is Leslie Householder?“) Here’s a throwback to the 10 year anniversary of when I

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Who is Leslie Householder, and what is her Rare Faith Newsletter all about?

When I had that tiny inkling to do something to help people experience a life-changing breakthrough like we had experienced in 2000, I had no idea the magnitude of what the project would become. This blog is just one little piece of it. It also turned into 3 international best-sellers, and countless trainings and workshops that have been changing lives all over the world. Yet, in reality, I know it’s still only just the beginning. But with the simple intention to wake people up, shake up their paradigms, and show them how great and powerful a simple thought can be, this work has made an impact on the planet for more than a decade, and

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Wake up Again

(This article is a continuation of the post titled, “Who is Leslie Householder?“) Here’s a throwback to the 10 year anniversary of when I

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Who is Leslie Householder, and what is her Rare Faith Newsletter all about?

When I had that tiny inkling to do something to help people experience a life-changing breakthrough like we had experienced in 2000, I had no idea the magnitude of what the project would become. This blog is just one little piece of it. It also turned into 3 international best-sellers, and countless trainings and workshops that have been changing lives all over the world. Yet, in reality, I know it’s still only just the beginning. But with the simple intention to wake people up, shake up their paradigms, and show them how great and powerful a simple thought can be, this work has made an impact on the planet for more than a decade, and

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