Have the Rare Faith principles helped you?

Hi! Leslie Householder here.

I’m looking for a few high-caliber self-starters to help me bring the Rare Faith message to a wider audience.

The principles are simple, yet POWERFUL, and they are not new. People have been teaching these principles for centuries. But I’ve learned that no matter how many people try to explain them, not every teacher is equally effective with every student.

YOU have a unique perspective, a unique set of life experiences, and a unique way of sharing what you have learned. YOU are irreplaceable, and YOUR perspective on the message is important.

Think of it! You have the potential to help countless thousands (or even millions) of people all over the world, IF you’ll step into that possibility.

Pick your own schedule. Change lives. Enjoy a side business!

Are you PASSIONATE about helping others?

Have you used the principles to transform your life? Are you ready now to take your understanding of the principles to the next level by using them to help others? Do you feel like this message is so important, you just can’t ignore it? 

Also, does life keep throwing obstacles your way to keep you from finding and fulfilling your purpose? Well, there’s a clue.

This is a unique opportunity for the cream of the crop: our best Mindset Mastery and Genius Bootcamp students, to be specially trained to help people around the world experience life-changing breakthroughs, while taking their own understanding and success to the next level.

We can’t do it alone; that’s why we’re excited to help you magnify YOUR success, your understanding, and your ability and effectiveness in helping transform other people’s lives.

Are you nervous about your next step?

We’ve all been there! We all feel that way EVERY time we’re about to make a tough choice that is sure to cause a breakthrough in our own life or in the lives of others.

So here’s the thing:

There are people who have hit a ceiling and need some assistance breaking through it. They need help, so we’re developing a silent army of independent leaders to help them. 

Are you shaking a little bit, just reading this?

This invitation is NOT for everyone.

What about you?

Do I have your attention?

Are you feeling something inside? Maybe your heart is beating a little faster, or your hands are beginning to quiver, or your head is starting to feel warm, because something inside of you is trying to send the message:

“This is it. This is the opportunity you’ve been looking for.”

Maybe another voice is telling you, “Who are YOU to think you could make a difference?” Or, “No matter what this is, you know it’s going to be expensive.”

Maybe the voice is saying, “This is going to be uncomfortable. You don’t have the energy for it. Don’t do anything that stretches you or causes you discomfort. You have too many other things going on…”

(Because you just might GROW…)

Well, if you’ve gotten this far, keep reading…

I do realize this opportunity may not be for you, and I don’t want anyone in the program who needs to be talked into it. 

So just pay attention to the voices in your head, and make sure you discern the ones that keep you from taking your right next step. 

If you’re “hearing” negative or limiting voices, check in and determine whether they’re posing a legitimate concern, or whether it just might be the terror barrier. For some, this is NOT the next right thing. But for others, it definitely is.

Do you remember what the terror barrier is? 

(Watch the Visual Aid that Changed Everything video if you’re not sure.)

If you're not feeling something, stop here – this probably isn’t for you.

But if you still haven’t clicked off, maybe you ARE one of the few who are meant to join us in on our next Rare Faith Program Facilitator Track.

Let me help you figure it out:

As the Rare Faith message continues to reach a global audience, we need experienced Mindset Mastery Honors graduates who can assist a growing number of students worldwide. There are a lot of ways to assist, with a potential of earning a decent income from home.

Online training is the way of the future, and there are people who need to know what you have learned, in the way that only you can share it. I’m here to help make that happen.

I look forward to working with you!

Facilitator Training provides tools, training, assignments and information for building a business helping others learn these principles in today’s virtual environment.

If you feel drawn to the work, you are needed.

There's never been a better time.

Listen. If your life experiences have brought you to discover, understand, and live the principles, what BETTER time is there to help others learn what you know?

Nobody else can share this information the way you can, and some may never hear it from anyone else the way they’ll hear it from you. You’ve been prepared for such a time as this. People need your voice. 

Even now more than ever the world needs you to bravely take what you’ve learned and SHOW UP with courage and confidence. You have an opportunity to be the kind of leader people look to for comfort, insight, and an understanding of the principles that have already blessed your life in so many ways.

And I’ll help you do it!

In every adversity is the seed of equal or greater benefit (Napoleon Hill). The greater the problem, the greater the opportunity (Law of Polarity). Expect to find the blessings in uncertain times, because there will be an abundance of them. But keep your eyes out for the tender mercies and gifts of compensation, too, and get ready to help others see them as well.

You don’t have to know how you will, just trust that great things will come from each daily small decision to step forward.

People will thank you from the bottom of their hearts, and because of your contribution, your own life will naturally improve, too.

In short, Facilitator Training gives you the tools and self-confidence you need to become an effective (and profitable) leader. I want to help you find your wings, so you can launch into a life of service, contribution, abundance, and fulfilment. 

It's an opportunity to build something profitable, gratifying, and soul-expanding

Create an income stream, providing life solutions to others

In Facilitator Training, you will:

  • Join a family of leaders and coaches who are eager to help others shine.
  • Write a series of posts or articles about your own experience with the laws (with our help!), for publication in the Rare Faith newsletter and social media channels.
  • Dig into 3 of the most powerful Principles of Prosperity concepts. 
  • Receive tools and training to develop new income streams (shortcuts, time/money saving tips, marketing secrets, implementation).
  • Explore the fundamentals of effective mentoring so you can naturally attract an abundance of clients to you and your products / services.
  • Sales training to help you implement strategies for expanding your reach.
  • Establish online credibility – discover and begin the process while you’re in the course so you can become known as a reliable, principled resource for helping others become all they can be.
  • Prepare and deliver a practice event (earn money even while you certify!)
  • Get resources that help you prepare and deliver a marketing piece you can use again and again to sell your future events.
  • Have access to our specialized training on how to be an expert goal reviewer, so you can help people avoid common, sabotaging traps, and clarify to ultimately attain the objectives they have in mind – including your own!
  • Get your events added to my company calendar.
  • Get a FREE TICKET to our live Conference and CRUISE in the fall (room and meals included!)
  • Get lifetime access to the Mindset Mastery curriculum (no expiration for facilitators!)
  • And more…

Get more info and view the full requirements list on the Rare Faith Program Facilitator Track

Discover how fun and rewarding this work can be!


This is not a facilitator membership purchase, this is tuition for training. Completion of the Facilitator Training does not guarantee that you will become a licensed as a Rare Faith Program Facilitator. Approval will be determined after you have met all of the training objectives and passed a final evaluation.

Due to the exclusive nature of this program, the personalized training it delivers, and because we can only work with a limited number of participants each year, once you have registered, there are no refunds. We cannot guarantee your success, because we cannot guarantee what you will do with the information we share with you. While Leslie and many others have used this information to make a six or seven-figure income, the work you do in this training will probably NOT produce those kinds of results. There is a gestation period connected to your success. Each trainee comes into the program with different levels of expertise and experience. This information is designed to help you save you time and money learning what Leslie spent more than $100,000 to learn and more than 5 years of work, but it does not replace the necessary work that you will need to do to succeed.

This was amazing! I have taken so many courses and trainings on leadership…but this one by far has been the best! It has helped me grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally and even physically. I have learned not only how to be a better leader, but how to be a better person, a better friend, a better listener. I have learned that being a leader is not about me, it’s about how I can help and serve and inspire others to progress and find their own gifts and their own power within them. It is my job to just help them discover their greatness! Leslie knows how to train and mentor you in a way that will not only help you to learn new skills, but she teaches you in a way that will CHANGE you. So that you can BE THE CHANGE you wish to see in the world! You will be able to truly teach the principles of Rare Faith to bless so many people in the world! Thank you Leslie! I highly recommend this!
Alyson Porter
South Carolina
Through the process of doing the [preparation] packet I have discovered my soul purpose.
Doug L.
WOW!!! What an awesome experience.
Shanna Hoppie
I second or fifth what everyone else said. The [facilitator] training was awesome and well worth it, both in effort and cost.
Cameran Hadlock
Training was amazing!
Alisa Hancock
I would look around the room and see Leslie and Trevan, and then see the caliber of the participants and sit in amazement. To learn and study in that kind of environment is absolutely the best.
Sandra Boyer

Learn more about our Certified Mentors and Facilitators past and present by visiting our Leadership Directory here.