Leslie Householder’s

(How we tripled our income in 3 months)

An instantly accessible training for those who have goals, who want to understand how to use the principles to achieve them, and who wonder:

  • Where will the money will come from?
  • How long will I have to wait?
  • What if my life is a mess?
  • How can I take the risk out of taking risks?
  • What if I’m the only one who believes in my goal?
  • What if I don’t believe in myself?

Hi! Leslie Householder here.

Get answers TODAY in my easy-to-read pages of powerful information, and you’ll also receive 20 additional lessons to help you succeed. Discover what can happen when you simply start thinking a little differently.

Perhaps you’re here because…

  1. You’ve begun to explore the power of your thoughts and you’re curious to find out if there’s really anything “to” it.
  2. You’ve heard something about the “laws of success”, but maybe things haven’t quite worked out the way you hoped.
  3. Or, maybe you’ve already had some success applying the principles, but want to take it up a notch.

If so, then keep reading.

Wouldn’t it be nice to feel absolutely confident that you’re going to have all you need to accomplish that next goal?

As I’ve helped tens of thousands of people since 2000, one of the most common problems occurs when a student launches full-force into their goal-setting efforts with only a partial understanding of the principles.

Inevitably, those efforts lead to frustration and failure.

Too often, people will experience this disappointment and give up before really understanding why it didn’t work out the way they hoped.

That’s why I created the MINDSET FUNDAMENTALS™ eCourse – to get you into the right headspace BEFORE taking the leap.

The fact is, two people can do the exact same thing, but the one who is consciously aware of the principles will get better results. Your THOUGHTS have an effect on your success, so let’s get your thoughts in gear!

It really works, so let’s get started.

Join me in the
Mindset FUNDAMENTALS™ Ecourse

What my students are saying:

Simple, Yet Life Altering

“I have been in personal development for over 4 years and I run a successful multiple six figure training company. However, I was feeling overwhelmed with life and felt like something was off. I was doing all the motions but I felt like I wasn’t connecting to God or my bigger purpose. I felt like I needed to recalibrate and focus, so I enrolled in Mindset Fundamentals with Leslie. The changes … are small and simple, yet life altering. I feel more directed, more connected, and more sure. That, to me, is worth thousands of dollars, as it is the core of true success. My relationship with my wife has gotten even sweeter, and I feel like I am back on track. Thank you Leslie … I will go through your course again and again as I know there are deeper levels for me to apply.” - Tyler Watson, CEO Freedom Catalyst

Discover the true Source

“[It] helped me with a difficult time … The national retail company that I’ve been employed with for 20 years filed for bankruptcy protection … leaving 17,000 employees without a job, no severance pay and reduced retirement benefits… So the course was timely … it has helped me keep my attitude right and my focus on the fact that MY Source is not any company.” – Phillip Small

Incredible, worth recommending

“This program was incredible. … It was exactly what I needed. … I am looking forward to recommending it to my friends.” – Eva Doherty Gremmert

Simple, Yet Effective

“Simple, yet effective “… the lessons … were life-changing. It was so wonderful to be able to put into practice the principles of prosperity, and to have a basis to start from that was simple and yet so effective. It works!” – Miki Brewster

Significant Changes

“Have you ever felt called to do something … something that is so outside of your comfort zone that it scares you? And you hesitate, because you’re not certain what step to take first? I was in that place before I registered for the Mindset Fundamentals Ecourse. This course is the best first step to take, no matter what you are contemplating doing in life. As I read the books and lesson materials included ... and began applying these principles to my thoughts, I noticed significant changes in how I was able to handle the challenges of life, and in the results that started to show up. It started with little things—things that, if I hadn’t known the laws that are taught in Mindset Fundamentals, I would not have noticed. But because I knew what to expect, I was able to (gratefully) see the consequences of my new thinking. Those blessings continue to multiply and gain momentum in my life. I feel more confident now in the future because I know what to expect from the laws! I recommend this course to anyone, but especially to those who seem to be doing all that they can, and yet haven’t received the results they desire. This course is for you! Once you see the small tweaks you can make in your thinking to increase your results dramatically, you’ll become addicted (in a good way!) to obeying the laws. It all starts with setting a sturdy foundation through the Mindset Fundamentals Ecourse.” – Adele Marcum, QWholistic

A Welcome Change

“I have felt a mental shift inside. This has been a welcome change and one I’m thankful to have…. And you know, you’re right about just letting go. Once you do, you’re helped very quickly.” – Trishelle E.

New-Found Courage

“This course has opened up my eyes …[and] allowed me to finally stop trying to control everything …I am moving forward with a new-found courage … I don’t know how I would have [had] the hope of succeeding without knowing these laws—it is so empowering.” – Lance Shipley

Purchase today and you’ll receive:
1) The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can (86 pages)

A complete PDF copy of my award-winning national best seller – A look at how your mind works

  • Discover how to profit from your losses
  • Enjoy peace of mind (no matter how bad things are now)
  • Experience a profound shift in perspective today
2) Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters (115 pages)

A complete PDF copy of my bestseller on the 7 Laws of Success  – A look at how your environment works

  • Know how to think when faced with a disaster (and why)
  • Find out how long it takes for goals to materialize
  • Discover the power of the vacuum law of prosperity
3) The Mindset Fundamentals Lesson Series: 20 powerful units accessible immediately through my online portal

A lesson series designed to help your mind and your environment work together long enough to see real results.

After you read the course material provided to you immediately after purchase, these lessons provide additional insight not contained in the books, and include additional reading and video training.

Learn the BASICS about:

1 – Identifying the true source of success
2 – How to “goal” for it
3 – Why and how to scrutinize each word
4 – Activating the “teacher appears” principle
5 – Pay attention, and DO… what?
6 – How to get out of debt
7 – How to think about your goal right now
8 – What the “lights” will never be…
9 – Activating the process of creation
10 – Using the “laws”
11 – Perpetual transmutation
12 – Using the law of relativity
13 – Using the law of vibration
14 – Using the law of polarity
15 – Using the law of rhythm
16 – The law of cause/effect
17 – Appropriate patience
18 – Using the vacuum law
19 – Adding to Jackrabbit Factor
20 – Exercising choice

Order today and you’ll also receive the following bonuses:
Bonus #1: The Link between Thoughts and Wealth (24 pages)

James Allen’s classic book in PDF format: As a Man Thinketh

  • Be inspired with this quick but profound read
  • Find out precisely how you ended up where you are right now
  • Learn how to think today so your tomorrows are the best they can be
Bonus #2: Lifelong Support (value: $79.00)
A subscription to my Rare Faith Weekly eNewsletter – with access to more than 300 related articles.
  • Keep your head in the game with fresh, inspiring articles
  • Receive special discounts and freebies for subscribers only
  • Tips and tools for successfully overcoming life’s challenges

Order Risk-Free!

If you are not completely satisfied, I will personally refund the entire amount of your purchase, and you don’t even have to give anything back. Just give the MINDSET FUNDAMENTALS™ eCourse a fair and honest chance for 8 short weeks. If you do each of the simple things it suggests for 2 months and you’re not thrilled with your purchase, your investment will be refunded with no further questions asked. I look forward to helping you! Welcome to a whole new life. Sincerely,


Leslie Householder

What the Experts Have to Say:
Realize ANY Dream, Achieve ANY Goal:

“The principles so uniquely taught [here] take everything I have done a step further. This …must be experienced and not described.” – Hyrum W. Smith, Co-founder Franklin Covey, CEO Galileo

Gain Uncommon Confidence:

“I am genuinely impressed… unique and creative… Success seekers of all degrees of knowledge and experience will benefit from this… ” – Bob Proctor

You’ll have instant access to more than 250 pages of life-changing information when you place your order, and you have nothing to lose with my 100% money-back guarantee.

Something More

“I loved the Mindset Fundamentals Ecourse. I have read all of Leslie’s books previously and enjoyed improvement in many areas of my life. As I went through [it] I realized that reading the books was just scratching the surface … I enjoyed the simple, easily digestible lessons paired with readings and videos. I highly recommend Mindset Fundamentals…” ~ Justin Jepsen


Upgrade to advanced training!

Take the challenge. Add guided experiments, built-in accountability, 24/7 community support!

Not ready to order? Get started today with a FREE download of The Jackrabbit Factor story HERE

(Does not include the lessons or bonus material described above.)