Be-Do-Have | The Most Important Process You Can Learn – Part I

By Cameran Hadlock

Less stress, struggles, frustration, working to the bone; more happiness, health, time, success and generosity—this is what’s in store for you as you read and learn about BE-DO-HAVE!

Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself or your life and been told to do this or do that? I would like to introduce you to Be-Do-Have. Be-Do-Have is a process that focuses on “being,” instead of  “doing” things to change. Be-Do-Have allows us to go with the natural flow of the universe, resulting in gaining our desires more easily and quickly, without frustration – every time. The reason we have experienced so much struggle is because we have been going against the flow of the universe.

The “Be” part of this process is where it all starts. It’s all about who we “are,” our “be”-ings, which determine our personal vibrations. Our “Be”-ings create our results in life. Take, for example, two young men who want to “be” great basketball players.

The first young man told people that he would become a great basketball player. However, his friends thought he was crazy for saying that and told him, “You aren’t a great basketball player. You’re not even on a team. You don’t even own a basketball!” In other words, they were telling him that he needed to have and do certain things before he could be a great player—the Have-Do-Be model. Yet this model is in REVERSE, and AGAINST the flow of the universe.

The second young man had been telling people ever since he was little that he IS a great basketball player. He had never taken lessons, didn’t have any sneakers, didn’t make very many baskets, but he enjoyed shooting hoops at his home. As he got older, he continued to say, “I am a great basketball player.” Later, when someone saw him play, they said, “Wow, he’s a great basketball player! Let’s get him trained and on a team.” With that, he started doing the things basketball players do: taking lessons, joining a team, learning new plays and techniques. He then had all the things great basketball players have: popularity, scholarships, and recognition. He followed the Be-Do-Have process of the universe.

The reason he was able to gain, or have, the things he finally did, was because he first focused on “being” a great basketball player. Unlike the first young man, the second young man didn’t need any one to tell him or agree with him that he was a great basketball player. He simply focused on “being” one, and believing he already was one, and then eventually did what great basketball players do, which led to his having what great basketball players have.

This process is a new and different way of thinking for many of us. Most of us have been taught since day one that life flows from Have, to Do, to Be. It has been ingrained in us that we must first have before we can be, which has led to greater stress and difficulty than is truly necessary.

Fortunately, there is a much better way.


Be aware of your thoughts, words, and life circumstances – they are the mirror of your being. Everyone can embody this process of “being” by implementing the following steps:

o Make a list of the “be”-ings that you want. (For example, “being” happy)

o If you want to “be” happy, write out what “being” happy would be like and wouldn’t be like for you.

o Next, write out what you would and wouldn’t do “being” happy.

o Next, write down what you would and wouldn’t have because of “being” happy.

o Use this list to more clearly guide your “beings,” by being aware of and eliminating items that you don’t want as a part of who you are.

By working on our “be”-ings we are working from the most foundational place inside ourselves and flowing naturally with the universe. This can only result in easier, quicker, and real solutions to the desires and problems of our lives.

Part II will reveal how we easily and effortlessly eliminate unwanted traits and characteristics from our beings.

Remember, make life easier, flow from BE, to DO, to HAVE, and you’ll be more successful—every time.


For more on this topic, read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters (free).

Cameran Hadlock

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